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【作  者】赵南望 著
【版、印次】2012年11月 第1版 1次


【答案速查】 给出了精准的答案,让考生首先给自己打分;
【答案精解】 解析详细精炼,点透解题思路,让考生各个击破考试考点;
【词汇点睛】 列出历年考研试题中常见的及文中的核心词汇,让考生轻松掌握考研词汇。



Section ⅠUse of English
Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)As the babyboomer generation contemplates the prospect of the Zimmer frame there has never been more interest in delaying the process of ageing. One consequence has been a(n)  1   rise in the popularity of braintraining games. But how   2   really is a daily dose of cryptic crossword?
Robert Wilson, a neuropsychologist at Rush University in Chicago, and his colleagues decided to   3   out,    4   following a group of people without dementia. Participants were asked to   5   how frequently they engaged in cognitively   6   activities. The researchers were looking for such things as reading newspapers, books and magazines,   7      challenging games like chess, listening to the radio and watching television, and   8   museums.
The good news, as they report in Neurology, is that   9   activity of this sort seems to slow the rate of   10   decline in those without cognitive   11  . The bad news is that in those who do then develop Alzheimers disease it is associated with a more rapid   12   decline.
What seems to be happening is that cognitive stimulation helps   13   the effect of the neurodegenerative lesions associated with dementia. It does not,   14  , make them go away. They continue to   15  , so that when the disease does eventually take   16   there are more of them around than there otherwise would be, which results in a more   17   cognitive fall off. That is not a message of despair,   18  , because the length of time someone suffers from dementia is thus   19   and their healthy life prolonged. So the message is,   20   on with the crosswords.
1.A. tiny          B. dramatic        C. small          D. enormous
2. A. effective    B. affective       C. efficient      D. constructive
3. A. check        B. figure          C. find           D. pick
4. A. with         B. by              C. in             D. as
5. A. rate         B. anticipate      C. declare        D. assert
6. A. sustaining   B. transforming    C. receding       D. stimulating
7. A. setting      B. playing         C. arranging      D. making
8. A. watching     B. viewing         C. sightseeing    D. visiting
9. A. casual       B. successive      C. frequent       D. continuous
10. A. mental      B. physical        C. spiritual      D. energetic
11. A. obstacle    B. inclination     C. limitation     D. impairment
12. A. consecutive B. subsequent      C. conservative   D. subservient
13. A. meet        B. encounter       C. overcome       D. conduct
14. A. therefore   B. moreover        C. indeed         D. however
15. A. amass       B. accumulate      C. collect        D. gather
16. A. hold        B. care            C. charge         D. up
17. A. slight      B. mild            C. abundant       D. rapid
18. A. until       B. though          C. unless         D. if
19. A. reduced     B. degraded        C. declined       D. increased
20. A. let         B. put             C. work           D. carry






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