考研帮 > 专业课 > 复习经验

英美文学:部分作家介绍和评论—Henry Fielding

  Henry Fielding (1707-1757)

  Major novels: Joseph Andrews(1742), Jonathan Wild (1743), Tom Jones(1749) and Amelia(1751).

  Firmly believed in the educational function of literature; not just to amuse, but to instruct; the object is to “teach men to know themselves, their proper spheres and appropriate manners.”

  Father of English novel; helped to establish the form of modern novel; giving the modern novel its structure and style; the first to use 3ird person narration in which the author becomes the all-knowing God, In planning his stories, he tried to retain the great epical form of classical works, but at the same time kept faithful to his realistic presentation of common life as it was. “Comic epic in prose”, “prose Homer”.

  Fielding’s language: easy, smooth and familiar, but extremely vivid and vigorous; his sentences are always distinguished by logic and rhythm and his structure carefully planned towards a natural ending. His works are also noted for lively, dramatic dialogues and other theatrical devices such as suspense, coincidence and unexpectedness.

  The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

  1. A panorama of 18th English society, a true picture of 18th c life and manners. About 40 characters are portrayed, ranging from the noblest to the lowest, the aristocrats, country squires, farmers, philosophers, businessmen, servants, lawyers, soldiers, beggars, thieves, gypsies, highway men etc; from nearly all classes of society. The setting is wide-ranging and varied, shifting from country to city.

  2. Structure: greatly influenced by classicism that stressed order, balance and symmetry; the plot construction is superb; its 18 books of epic form are equally divided into 3 sections, 6 books each, clearly marked out by the change of scenes: in the country, on the highway and in London. So this symmetrical arrangement suggests F is a careful and accurate writer, taking pains to achieve that classical effect of balance so dear to his century.

  3. Character portrayal:

  Tom: honest, kind-hearted, high-spirited, loyal , generous, frank and brave, always ready to help others and never tries to harm others for his own benefit; but impulsive, quick-tempered, wanting prudence and full of animal spirits, flippant in sex. Despite his weaknesses and mistakes, he is basically a good man; has a good nature, a noble heart

  Blifil: a hypocrite, wearing a mask of virtue, with a corrupted nature; an embodiment of social evils.

  Sophia: lovely, kind, and bright.

  Sophia is "...as delightful a young woman as has ever enchanted a reader of fiction. She is simple, but not silly; virtuous, but no prude; she has character, determination and courage; she has a loving heart."---- Somerset Maugham.

  The main purpose is to display and advocate a certain morality; good nature, generous and open behaviour are set against selfishness, hypocrisy, duplicity and greed.

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