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《2008年考研英语词句篇高效阅读120篇》Unit 1


Part A
Directions:Read the following texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D].
Text 1
In the developed countries, the dominant factor in the next society will be something to which most people are only just beginning to pay attention: the rapid growth in the older population and the rapid shrinking of the younger generation. Politicians everywhere still promise to save the existing pensions system, but they — and their constituents — know perfectly well that in another 25 years people will have to keep working until their mid-70s, health permitting.①
What has not yet sunk in is that a growing number of older people — say those over 50 — will not keep on working as traditional full-time nine-to-five employees, but will participate in the labor force in many new and different ways: as temporaries, as part-timers, as consultants, on special assignments and so on.②What used to be personnel and are now known as human resources departments still assume that those who work for an organization are full-time employees.③ Employment laws and regulations are based on the same assumption. Within 20 or 25 years, however, perhaps as many as half the people who work for an organization will not be employed by it, certainly not on a full-time basis. This will be especially true for older people. New ways of working with people at arm’s length will increasingly become the central managerial issue of employing organizations, and not just of businesses.   
The shrinking of the younger population will cause an even greater upheaval, if only because nothing like this has happened since the dying centuries of the Roman Empire. In every single developed country, but also in China and Brazil, the birth rate is now well below the replacement rate of 2.2 live births per woman of reproductive age. Politically, this means that immigration will become an important and highly divisive issue in all rich countries. It will cut across all traditional political alignments. Economically, the decline in the young population will change markets in fundamental ways. Growth in family formation has been the driving force of all domestic markets in the developed world, but the rate of family formation is certain to fall steadily unless bolstered by large-scale immigration of younger people.④ The homogeneous mass market that emerged in all rich countries after the Second World War has been youth-determined from the start. It will now become middle-age-determined, or perhaps more likely it will split into two: a middle-age-determined mass market and a much smaller youth-determined one. And because the supply of young people will shrink, creating new employment patterns to attract and hold the growing number of older people (especially older educated people) will become increasingly important.

1.generation    n.①一代人(或产品)②产生,发生:generation gap代沟/ the generation of electricity by water power水力发电
○同 generate  vt.①引起,导致②生成,产生(光、热、电等):generate an argument引起一场争论/ generate heat产生热
2.pension    n.养老金,抚恤金vt.发给…养老金(或退职金、抚恤金等):draw one’s pension领养老金/ pension sb. off准予某人退休并发给退休金
3.constituent  n.支持者,成分,要素a.组成的:the main constituent主要成分/ the constituent parts of an atom原子的组成部分
○同 constitute  vt.组成,形成:constitute a direct threat to sb.对某人构成直接威胁
○同 constitution n.①构成,组成②宪法,章程③体质,素质:the constitution of solar spectrum太阳光谱的构成/ revise the constitution修改宪法/ a man of strong constitution体格强壮的人
○同 constitutional    a.①宪法的,立法的②体质的,体格的:constitutional government立宪政体/ constitutional weakness体质虚弱
4.temporary    n.临时雇员a.暂时的:temporary workers临时工/ temporary punishment有期徒刑
○同 contemporary   a.①当代的,现代的②同时代的n.同代人,当代人:contemporary events当代大事/ a contemporary record of events同时代的大事记
5.consultant   n.①(商业、法律等方面的)顾问②(英国)顾问医师,会诊医师:an investment consultant投资顾问/ a consultant surgeon外科顾问医师
○同 consult    v.①请教,找…商量②查阅,查看:consult the expert请教专家/ consult reference books查阅参考书
○同 consultation  n.①请教,磋商,咨询②会议,会诊:a consultation between the two delegations两个代表团之间的磋商/ hold a consultation before 
6.assignment  n.①(分派的)任务,(指定的)作业②转让(财产、权利等):complete the assignment完成任务/ a deed of assignment转让契约
○同  assign vt.①指派,选派②指定(时间、地点等)③分配,给予,布置(作业):I was assigned to the project. 我被派到那项工程工作。/ assign a day for the meeting指定开会日期/ assign duties分配任务
7.assume   vt.①假定,假设②承担,就职③呈现,具有:assume sb. to be ill假定某人生病/ assume one’s duty承担责任/ assume threatening character具有威胁性
○派 assumption  n.①假定,臆断②担任,承担:on the assumption of(that) ... 假定在…的情况下/ assumption of an obligation承担一项义务
8.shrink v.①萎缩,退缩②缩水:shrink (away/ back)from sth.(sb.)退缩/  shrink in the wash 洗时缩水
9.fundamental   a.基本的,根本的n.[常pl.]基本原则,基本法则:a fundamental principle基本原则/ learn the fundamentals of cooking学会烹调的基本知识
○派 fundamentally ad.基本地,彻底地:change society fundamentally彻底改变社会
10.homogeneous   a.同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的:a homogeneous society同性质的社会
11.sink in被理解:a lesson that hasn’t sunk in还没有被消化的一课
12.cut across超越,走近路:cut across traditional political boundaries超越了沿袭至今的政治界限/ cut across the park on my way home回家途中抄近路穿过公园
13.at arm’s length疏远,在手臂够得到的地方:keep sb. at arm’s length与某人保持距离,避免与某人亲近

※1.alignment  n.联盟
※2.bolster    v.支持n.垫子
※3.reproductive   a.生殖的,再生的,复制的
※4.upheaval  n 剧变,动乱

1.The passage is mainly about
  [A] the influence of aging problem. 
[B] the shrinking of younger population.
  [C] the changing of working style.  
[D] the change of consuming pattern.
2.From the passage, we learn people will have to keep working until their mid-70s because of
[A] overall improvement of people-s health condition.
[B] old people-s high qualification.
[C] the lack of young employees.
[D]  the great need for more employees by new economy.
3.According to the author, which of the following is true about the situation in 20 or 25 years?
 [A] There will be stricter laws and regulations on employment.
 [B] There will be fewer people who take full-time jobs.
 [C] There will be more older employees.
 [D] There will be more people who work at home and far from each other.
4.What does the word “upheaval” (Line 2, Para.3) most probably mean?
 [A] achievement  [B] flexibility
 [C] confusion     [D] change
5.The influence that the reduction of young people has had on economy may include the following but
 [A] the appearing of mass market centering the young.
 [B] the shift of the market center from the young to the middle-aged.
 [C] the shrinking of the population who get to form family.
 [D] the tendency for the market to split into two.

难 句 突 破
1.Politicians (everywhere) [still] promise to save the existing pensions system, but they and their constituents know [perfectly well] that [in another 25 years] people will have to keep working until their mid-70s, health permitting.
 并列复合句。转折连词but之前是一个单句,之后的句子中包含了一个that引导的宾语从句,而在此宾语从句又包含了一个独立主格health permitting,它表示假设的条件, 意思是“在健康允许的情况下”。
2.What has not yet sunk in is that a growing number of older people  —  say those over 50  —  will not keep on working [as traditional fulltime ninetofive employees], but will participate in the labor force [in many new and different ways: astemporaries, as parttimers, as consultants, on special assignments and so on].
 多重复合句。句子主干为What...is that...。What has not yet sunk in为主语从句,that引导了一个表语从句,该从句的主语是a growing number of older people, will not keep on working和will participate in 是由but连接的两个并列谓语。say those over 50为插入语, “say”相当于 “suppose sth or sb as an example”, 意思是“比如说”。冒号后内容是对new and different ways的进一步说明。
3.What used to be personnel and are now known as human resources departments [still] assume that those (who work for an organization) are full-time employees.
 复合句。What used to be ... departments 为主语从句,其中used to be personnel 和are known as ...departments为并列成分。assume 为整个句子的谓语, that引导它的宾语从句,宾语从句主干为those are full-time employees, 其中who work for an organization是定语从句,修饰those。
4.Growth (in family formation) has been the driving force (of all domestic markets) [in the developed world], but the rate (of family formation) is certain to fall [steadily] [unless bolstered by largescale immigration of younger people].
 并列复合句。but之前为单句,之后是由unless引导的条件状语从句,从句的逻辑主语因和主句的主语the rate of family formation一致而省略。
全 文 翻 译
在发达国家,许多人刚刚开始注意到未来社会的主导因素:老龄人口的快速增长和年轻人口的迅速萎缩。1) 虽然各地的政客们依然允诺要保留目前的退休金体系, 但是他们及他们的支持者都清楚地知道,在未来的25年中,只要健康允许,人们将不得不工作到75岁左右。   
2) 越来越多的老人——比如那些超过50岁的人,将不会再做传统的朝九晚五的8小时全职工作者。 相反,他们会以许多新的不同方式加入到劳动力的队伍中:做某些特殊工作的临时工、兼职、顾问等等,而人们还未意识到这种变化。
3) 过去的人事部门现如今被称为人力资源部,这些部门的人仍旧以为凡是在某个组织中工作的人都是这个组织的全职雇员。雇佣法规也是基于同样的设想制定出来的。可是在20 或25年之内,在某个组织中工作的人可能会有多达一半不再被雇佣,当然是不再以全职为基础进行雇佣。特别是对老年人来说尤为如此。如何采用新的工作方式与近在咫尺的人工作将越来越成为所有雇佣员工的机构的核心管理问题,而不仅仅局限于企业。   
如果说仅仅是因为自从即将灭亡的罗马帝国时期以来还没有发生过类似的事情,那么年轻人数量的萎缩将会引起更大的动荡。在每一个发达国家,同样在中国和巴西,人口出生率远远低于每个育龄妇女所应有的2.2 个存活新生儿的出生率。从政治上来说,这就意味着在所有富裕的国家中,移民将会成为一个重要而且是非常容易引起分裂的问题,它将切断一切传统上的政治联盟。经济上来说, 年轻人人口数量的下降将会从根本上改变整个市场状况。4) 新家庭数量的增长一直是所有发达国家国内市场的推动力,但是现在除非受到大规模年轻移民的推动,否则新家庭的增长率肯定会持续下降。二战之后在所有发达国家出现的同类大众市场从一开始就是由年轻人起决定作用的。它现在将会变成由中年人主导或者更有可能将会分裂为由中年人主导的大众市场和一个由年轻人主导的小得多的市场,因为年轻人人口的补充将会萎缩, 创造新的就业模式以吸引和留住越来越多的老龄人口(特别是受过教育的老龄人口)将会变得越来越重要。

1.选[A], 主旨大意题。文章的第一句指出在未来社会的主导因素是老龄人口快速增长,年轻人口的迅速萎缩, 即人口老龄化,并在第二、三段阐述了这一现象给社会带来的影响,所以[A]正确。[B]只表明年轻人数量减少这一现象,未概括它的社会影响;[C]和[D]分别是老年人增加的社会影响与年轻人减少的影响, 不足以概括全文。
2.选[C], 事实细节题。人口老龄化即老年人增多年轻人不足, 文章最后一句提到,由于年轻人的减少, 创造新的就业模式以吸引和挽留越来越多的老年人, 特别是受过教育的老年人越来越重要, 因此[C]对而[B]错, 原文括号中especially older educated people 中的especially 不容忽视,否则范围缩小。第一段第二句“health permitting”表示假设的条件,并不指健康状况的全面提高, 因此 [A]过于绝对化; 文章只是说明经济的发展需要雇员, 并未讲新经济和更多的雇员, 所以 [D]错。
3.选[B],事实细节题。第二段第四句可以提供本题线索。作者谈到一个机构中半数的人将不会是全职员工, 可见全职员工之减少,故[B]正确。第二段第三句表明就业方式发生了变化, 而就业法规依然遵循原来的模式,并不代表就业法规更加严格, 因此 [A]错;[C]对选择干扰比较大,本文阐述老龄雇员增加,年轻雇员不足,只是就整个劳动力队伍中相对两者的比例而言,并非老年劳动力总数大于年轻劳动力,而且第二段第四、五句只是表明更多的老人将会从事兼职;选项 [D]误解了第二段最后一句的意思, “at arm’s length” 意思为 “一臂之遥”, “work with people at the arm’s length” 不能狭义地理解为远离别人在家工作。
4. 选[D], 语义理解题。第三段阐明, 年轻人口的萎缩从政治上而言,会使移民成为一个重要的甚至会造成分裂的议题, 会切断一切政治联盟, 从经济上而言,年轻人人口数量的下降将会从根本上改变整个市场状况。可见“upheaval” 并不代表具体的积极或消极的意思,  [A]和 [C]带有积极的意思, 而 [B]是消极的, 只有 [D]只是中性的, 意为 “剧变”。
5.选[C], 事实细节题。从第三段第六句可以得知 [A]始于二战后, 并非现状;第七句表明市场将会由中年人或多数中年人和少数年轻人共同主导, 所以[B]和[D]符合实情;根据第三段第五句可知新建家庭会减少,故[C]属于年轻人数量减少导致的影响。

Text 2
Traffic statistics paint a gloomy picture. To help solve their traffic woes, some rapidly growing U.S. cities have simply built more roads. But traffic experts say building more roads is a quickfix solution that will not alleviate the traffic problem in the long run. Soaring land costs, increasing concern over social and environmental disruptions caused by road-building,and the likelihood that more roads can only lead to more cars and traffic are powerful factors bearing down on a 1950s’style constructions program.①
The goal of smart-highway technology is to make traffic systems work at optimum efficiency by treating the road and the vehicles traveling on them as an integral transportation system.② Proponents of this advanced technology say electronic detection systems, closed-circuit television radio communication, ramp metering, variable message signing, and other smart highway technology can now be used at a reasonable cost to improve communication between drivers and the people who monitor traffic.③
Pathfinder, a Santa Monica, Californiabased smarthighway project in which a 14mile stretch of the Santa Monica Freeway, making up what is called a “smart corridor”, is being instrumented with buried loops in the pavement. Closedcircuit television cameras survey the flow of traffic, while communications linked to properly equipped automobiles advise motorists of the least congested routes or detours.  
 Not all traffic experts, however, look to smart-highway technology as the ultimate solution to traffic gridlock. Some say the high-tech approach is limited and can only offer temporary solutions to a serious problem.   
“Electronics on the highway addresses just one aspect of the problem: how to regulate traffic more efficiently,” explains Michael Renner, senior researcher at the Worldwatch Institute.“It doesn’t deal with the central problems of too many cars for roads that can’t be built fast enough. It sends people the wrong message.” “They start thinking ‘Yes, there used to be a traffic congestion problem, but that’s been solved now because we have an advanced high-tech system in place.’” Larson agrees and adds, “Smart highways is just one of the tools that we will use to deal with our traffic problems. It’s not the solution itself, just part of the package. There are different strategies.”    
Other traffic problemsolving options being studied and experimented which include car pooling, rapid mass-transit systems, staggered or flexible work hours, and road pricing, a system whereby motorists pay a certain amount for the time they use a highway.④  
 It seems that we need a new, major thrust to deal with the traffic problems of the next 20 years. There has to be a big change.

1.alleviate   vt.减轻,缓和:alleviate the problem缓解问题/ alleviate suffering减轻痛苦
2.efficiency   n.效率,效能,功效:the efficiency of treatment疗效
○同 effect    n.①结果,效果②作用,影响:have the effect of ...有…的结果/  take effect见效/ in effect实际上,实质上
○同 effective    a.①有效的②给人印象深刻的③实际的:take effective measures采取有效措施/  an effective speech 精彩的演讲/  effective wages实际工资
○同 efficient     a.①效率高的②有能力的:be efficient at one’s job工作高效/  an efficient manager有能力的经理
3.integral  a.完整的,整体的:an integral part of the whole整体的组成部分
○同 integrate   vt.使一体化,使成整体:integrate the children into society使孩子都融入社会
○同 integrity    n.完整,正直:a man of integrity刚正不阿的人
○同 integration    n.综合,融合:the integration of races各种族的融合
4.communication   n.①[pl.]通信,交通联系②交流,交际,通讯:communications systems通讯系统/  in the communication cycle在交际圈里
○同 communicate    v.①交际,通讯②传达,传播:communicate with sb. about sth.与某人交流某事/  communicate a secret告知秘密
5.monitor   vt.监控n.①班长②监控器:radar stations monitoring enemy planes监视敌机的雷达站/  a heart monitor心脏监测器
6.congested  a. 拥挤不堪的,充塞的:streets congested with traffic交通堵塞的街道
○同 congestion    n.堵塞
7.ultimate   a.①最后的,根本的②极端的,最大的n.终极,极限:ultimate cause终极原因/   the ultimate in comfort极舒服
○派 ultimately     ad.最后,终于:triumph ultimately最终获胜
8.regulate    vt.①管制,控制②调节,调整:regulate automatically自动控制/  regulate the speed of a machine调节机器速度
○派 regulation   n.①规章,规则②管理,控制:abolish regulations废除规章/  the regulation of share prices股票价格的调整
9.package  n. ①一揽子交易(计划、建议等)②包裹,包装 v. ①把…打包,把…装箱②包装:a package of reforms 一整套改革/  undo the package 打开包裏/  package up the old clothes 把旧衣服打包/  package the gift in wrappers用包装纸包装礼物
○同 pack v.①捆扎②塞满:pack away 把...收起来放好/  pack into the hall 挤进大厅/  pack off 把...打发走
10.option    n.①选择(权、自由)②(供)选择的事物(或人),选课:make one’s option 进行选择 /  have no option没有选择的余地
○派 optional    a.可选择的,非强制的:optional subjects选修课 
11.pool   v. 共用 n. ①水池②(液体等的)一滩,一片③共用物,共用人员:pool ideas together 集思广益/  a pool of blood 血泊/   a transport pool 联营运输队
12.flexible   a.①灵活的②易弯曲的,柔韧的:a flexible schedule灵活的日程安排表/  flexible rules软尺,卷尺
13.thrust    n. ①推力②要点,主题③戳,刺 v. ①挤,推②戳,刺:several thousand pounds of thrust 几千磅的推进力/  the major thrust of the talks 谈判的要点 /  thrust a chair forward 把椅子向前猛推/  thrust at sb. 向…刺去
14.in the long run 从长远看
15.look to 注意或留心某事物
16.bear down on逼近,施压加力于
※1.woe(s) (常用复述)麻烦事
※2.optimum  a. 最佳的,适宜的
※3.proponent n. 拥护者,倡导者
※4.ramp   n. 斜坡,斜道
※5.detour   n.  迂回路线
※6. gridlock   n.阻塞

6.The best title for the passage is
[A] Smart Highway Projects — The Ultimate Solution to Traffic Congestion.
[B] A Quickfix Solution for the Traffic Problems.
[C] A Venture to Remedy Traffic Woes.
[D] Highways Get Smart — Part of the Package to Relieve Traffic Gridlock.
7.The compound word “quickfix” in Line 4, Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
[A] a quick solution.
[B] an expedient solution.
[C] a ready solution.
[D] an efficient solution.
8.According to the passage, the smart highway technology is aimed to
[A] deploy sophisticated facilities on the interstate highways.
[B] provide passenger vehicles with a variety of services.
[C] optimize the highway capabilities.
[D] improve communication between driver and the traffic monitors.
9.According to Larson, to redress the traffic problem,
[A] car pooling must be studied.
[B] rapid mass-transit systems must be introduced.
[C] flexible work hours must be experimented.
[D] overall strategies must be coordinated.
10.Which of the following best describes the organization of the whole passage?
[A] Two contrasting views of a problem are presented.
[B] A problem is examined and complementary solutions are proposed or offered.
[C] Latest developments are outlined in order of importance.
[D] An innovation is explained with its importance emphasized.

难 句 突 破
1.Soaring land costs, increasing concern (over social and environmental disruptions) (caused by roadbuilding), and the likelihood {that more roads can only lead to more cars and traffic} are (powerful) factors (bearing down on a 1950sstyle constructions program).
 复合句。本句的主语部分很长,包含三个并列主语,即soaring land costs, increasing concern...and the likelihood...;谓语部分是are powerful factors...。主语部分含有同位语从句that more roads can...traffic,补充说明the likelihood。现在分词短语bearing down on...program作factors的后置定语。
2.The goal (of smart-highway technology) is to make traffic systems work at optimum efficiency [by treating the road and the vehicles traveling on them as an integral transportation system].
 简单句。句子的主干是:the goal...is to make traffic systems work...。by treating...system是介词短语作方式状语,包含treat...as...短语。
3.Proponents (of this advanced technology) say electronic detection systems, closedcircuit television radio communication, ramp metering, variable message signing, and other smart highway technology can now be used [at a reasonable cost] [to improve communication between drivers and the people (who monitor traffic)].
 复合句。句子的主干是:proponents...say...。say后面的宾语从句部分的主语很长:electronic detection systems...other smart highway technology;谓语部分为:can be used...;不定式to improve...who monitor traffic作目的状语。who monitor traffic为定语从句,修饰the people。
4.(Other traffic problemsolving) options (being studied and experimented with) include car pooling, rapid masstransit systems, staggered or flexible work hours, and road pricing, {a system (whereby motorists pay a certain amount for  they use a highway)}.
 复合句。句子的主干是:other traffic problemsolving options...include...。a system whereby...a highway是road pricing的同位语,该同位语中包含两个定语从句,whereby
引导定语从句修饰a system;另一个 they use a highway是省略关系词that的定语从句(that常用于表示方式、时间、地点的词后充当关系副词的作用,也常被省略。这里that相当于when或during which)。

全 文 翻 译
交通统计数字为我们描绘了一幅并不乐观的景象。为了帮助解决这些交通顽疾,一些发展迅猛的美国城市只是修筑了更多的道路。但是,交通专家认为多修道路只是权宜之计,从长远来看并不能缓解交通压力。1) 土地价格飞涨,人们对修路导致的社会及自然环境的破坏日益担忧以及那种路越多只会导致车越多、交通越拥挤的可能性,所有这些都是在20世纪50年代建筑模式下所必须考虑的极为重要的因素。
2) 智能公路技术的目标就是通过将公路及行驶于其上的交通工具全部看作一个完整的交通系统,从而使这一系统发挥最佳效能。3) 这一先进技术的倡导者宣称如今电子检测系统、闭路无线电视交流、斜坡坡度计量、不同信号的发出以及其他智能公路技术可以用于促进司机和交通监察员之间的交流,而且所花费用还相当合理。
在加利福尼亚的Santa Monica就有一项名为“探路者”的智能公路工程,其中有一条长达14英里的Santa Monica 的免费高速公路,组成了所谓的“智能走廊”。这一工程所铺的路面中都装置了封闭的电路设备,闭路电视的摄像头可以查测交通流量,之后通过与汽车上所装备的接收系统相连,将所采集到的路况信息传达给司机,从而为其指明哪些道路的交通堵塞情况最轻。   
“公路上的电子技术只是针对交通问题的一个方面,那就是如何更加有效地规范交通秩序。”Worldwatch研究院的资深研究员迈克尔•伦纳解释说,“它并没有涉及诸如车多路少而建路速度又相当慢这样的中心问题,它只是向人们发出了错误的信号。他们会这么想:这下好了,由于我们的先进的高科技系统已经到位,过去的交通堵塞问题现在已经解决了。” 拉森也同意这种看法,并补充到,“智能公路仅仅只是我们用来对付交通问题的一种工具,它不能代替整个解决方案本身,而只是其中一部分。除此之外,还有不同的解决策略”。
4) 其他正处于研究和实验阶段的解决交通问题的可选方法还包括:合伙用车、快速大量货运系统、灵活变通的工作时间以及过路收费系统,即司机们依据在路上所行驶的时间而支付一定的费用等等。为了应付未来二十年所面临的交通问题,我们似乎需要进行新一轮的突击攻关,而那必将带来一个巨大的变化。

6.选[D],主旨大意题。文章的标题应该能全面地概括文章的主要内容。本文探讨得是解决交通拥堵的办法,文中重点探讨了一种解决办法,即智能高速公路工程(smart highway projects),但一些专家认为这种方法不是最终的解决办法(ultimate solution),只是一种临时的解决办法(temporary solution)。此外,文中在第六段还提到了一些其他的解决办法。[A]项和文中一些专家的观点矛盾;第一段提到解决交通问题的一种应急的手段(quickfix solution)是多修路,但本文重点讨论的办法是智能高速公路工程,而非仅仅修路,因此,[B]概括不全面;[C]“解决交通问题的一个冒险办法”和原文不符,我们并不能得出文中探讨的办法带有冒险行为的结论;[D]“高速公路智能化——部分减缓交通拥堵的办法”能全面地概括本文的主要内容。
7.选[B],语义理解题。quickfix所在的句子后一部分,即定语从句部分(...that will not alleviate the traffic problem in the long run)是对quickfix solution的一个提示说明,意思是“…从长远来看不能解决交通问题”。因此,这种办法不是最佳的、最有效的办法,只是一种临时的应急手段。据此,可以排除[A]“最佳的解决办法”、 [C]“准备充分的办法”、[D]“最有效的办法”;而[B]“一种快速的办法”和quick-fix意思最接近。
8.选[C],事实细节题。本题在第二段第一句提到(详见难句突破第2句)。从这句可知其目的是把公路和汽车看作一个完整的交通体系,从而使这一系统发挥最佳效能。因此,[C]“使高速公路最优化”符合智能高速公路工程的目的。[A]“在州际公路上配置先进的设施”与原文不符,因为原文并没有提到州际公路;原文也没有提到[B]“为客车提供各种服务”; [D]“提高司机和交通监察员之间的交流”在第二段最后一句提到(详见难句突破第3句),但是这不是智能高速公路技术的最终目的,而是采用一些其他先进的高速公路智能化技术的作用。

Text 3
America’s economic recovery remains uncomfortably weak. The latest data show industrial production falling while the trade deficit soars to record levels. To round off a dismal week for economic statistics, the Fed announced that industrial production fell by 0.2% in December compared with the previous month.① That came as a disappointment to economists who had been expecting a small rise. Monthly data are always unreliable, of course; there is always a plausible explanation for unexpectedly bad (or good) news. But nearly all recent economic statistics point to the same conclusion — that American’s recovery  remains sluggish and erratic. It could put pressure on the Fed to consider cutting interest rates again when its policymaking committee meets at the end of the month.
The biggest obstacle to healthier economic performance, though, is political. As the Fed’s chairman, Alan Greenspan, acknowledged in the closing months of 2002, uncertain about the future is holding both investors and consumers back. The shadowy threat of international terrorism and the much more explicit prospect of a war with Iraq have made many Americans nervous about the future. For businesses still reeling from the speed at which the late 1990s boom turned to slump, the political climate is one more reason to put off investing in new plant and equipment or hiring new staff.② For consumers, for so long the mainstay of the American economy, the thrill of the shopping mall seems, finally, to be on the wane.   
It is hard to put a favorable interpretation on most of the data. But it is important to keep a sense of perspective. Some recent figures look disappointing partly because they fall short of overoptimistic forecasts — a persistent weakness of those paid to predict the economic future, no matter how often they are proved wrong.③ The Fed will be watching carefully for further signs of weakness during the rest of the month. Mr. Greenspan is an avid, even obsessive, consumer of economic data. He has made it clear that the Fed stands ready to reduce interest rates again if it judges it necessary — even after 12 cuts in the past two years. At its last meeting, though, when it kept rates on hold, the Fed signaled that it did not expect to need to reduce rates any further.
   Monetary policy still offers the best short-term policy response to weak economic activity, and with inflation low the Fed still has scope for further relaxation.④ President Bush’s much-vaunted fiscal stimulus is unlikely to provide appropriate help, and certainly not in a timely way.

1.deficit   n.赤字,亏损,逆差:financial deficit财政赤字,预算赤字/  foreign trade deficit对外贸易逆差
2.plausible     a.似有道理的,似乎正确的,貌似可信的:a plausible liar说谎大王/  a plausible excuse 看似有理的借口
3.obstacle    n.障碍,妨碍:overcome the obstacle克服障碍
4.acknowledge   vt.①承认②告知收到,确认③对…表示答谢,报偿:acknowledge the truth承认事实/  acknowledge the receipt of a letter确认收到来信/   acknowledge a favor答谢所受的关照
○派 acknowledgement   n.①承认,确认②感谢:universal acknowledgement普遍承认
 5.consumer   n.顾客,消费者:a consumer society消费社会
6.explicit  a.①详述的,明确的,明晰的②直言的,毫不隐瞒的,露骨的:give explicit direction给予详细明确的指示/  explicit sex scenes in the film 影片中露骨的性爱
7.prospect    n.①前景,前途②景象,景色③有希望的候选人:the prospects of world peace世界和平的前景/  a pleasant prospect一处悦目的风景
○派 prospective     a.预期的,未来的:prospective benefits预期的利润/  a prospective statute将会生效的法令
8.threat    n.威胁:constitute a threat to sb.形成对某人的威胁
○派 threaten    v.①威胁,恐吓②预示(危险)快要来临,是…的征兆:threaten to do sth.威胁要去做某事/  a mistake that threatens to be costly 可能造成重大损失的错误
9.reel   vi.①摇摇晃晃地移动,蹒跚②眩晕,发昏vt.[+in, up]卷,绕n.卷轴,卷筒,卷盘:reel drunkenly down the road 醉得东倒西歪沿路走去/  His mind reeled when he heard the news. 他听到那消息后感到头发昏。/  a sixreel film一部有六盘胶片的电影
10.thrill   n.①兴奋,激动②引起激动的事物v.(使)非常兴奋,(使)非常激动:a story full of thrills充满刺激的故事
11.interpretation    n.解释,阐明:a literal interpretation字面上的解释
○同 interpret  v.①解释,说明,诠释②口译,翻译:interpret dreams释梦/  interpret for foreign visitors替外宾当翻译
12.on the wane逐渐衰落
13.fall short of达不到,不符合:fall short of expectations没有达到预期效果
14.round off使完美,舍入:round off a sentence把句子修饰好
※1.dismal a. 令人悲伤的
※2.erratic  a.不稳定的
※3.avid   a.渴望的
※4.obsessive  a. 有执著想法的
※5.sluggish   a.行动迟缓的
※6.mainstay   n.支柱,中流砥柱

11.Which of the following best describes America’s economic situation now?
[A] It is flourishing.
[B] It faces an uncertain future.
[C] It remains depressing.
[D] It shows unreliable signs.
12.What does the figure 0.2% in paragraph 1 indicate?
[A] America’s economic recovery is still shaky.
[B] Economists are disappointed at the future economy.
[C] It is a good sign for America’s economic recovery.
[D] The biggest obstacle to healthier economic performance is political.
13.What factor makes investors put off investing in new plant and equipment?
[A] The sluggish economic situation.
[B] The direct threat of international terrorism.
[C] The possibility of international terrorism.
[D] Investors’ shortage of capital.
14.What is the writer’s attitude toward some recent figures mentioned in paragraph 3?
[A] Optimistic. [B] Skeptical.
[C] Worrisome.[D] Critical.
15.How does monetary policy offer help for weak economic activity?
[A] It can stimulate investment in new plant and equipment.
[B] It can reduce interest rates so as to stimulate weak economic activity.
[C] The Fed tries to keep inflation low.
[D] President Bush can offer appropriate monetary policy.

难 句 突 破
1.[To round off a dismal week for economic statistics], the Fed announced that industrial production fell [by 0.2% in December] [compared with the previous month].
 复合句。句子主干是the Fed announced that ...,其中that引导的从句是谓语动词announced的宾语,compared with ...是过去分词短语作状语,修饰宾语从句中的动词fell,句首的动词不定式to round off ...作状语,修饰整个句子的谓语announced;round off本意“润色,使…完成得称心如意”,在该句中有一定的讽刺意味,表示十二月份各项经济指标都不景气,工业产值被宣布下降0.2%。
2.[For businesses still reeling from the speed (at which the late-1990s boom turned to slump)], the political climate is one more reason (to put off investing in new plant and equipment or hiring new staff).
 复合句。句子主干是the political climate is one more reason;reeling from the speed是现在分词短语,修饰businesses;at which引出定语从句,修饰speed;investing in和hiring是两个并列的动名词短语,做put off的宾语。
3.(Some recent) figures look disappointing [partly because they fall short of overoptimistic forecasts] — {a persistent weakness of those paid to predict the economic future}, [no matter how often they are proved wrong].
 复合句。句子主干是Some recent figures look disappointing; partly because引出原因,状语从句;破折号后a persistent weakness是个名词短语,补充说明前文提到的over-optimistic forecasts;该名词短语后又接了个介词短语of those ...作定语,paid to predict the economic future是个过去分词短语,修饰those(那些做出过于乐观的经济预测的人);no matter引出状语从句, “无论…”。
4.(Monetary) policy still offers the best short-term policy response to weak economic activity, and [with inflation low] the Fed still has scope (for further relaxation).
 并列句。and 前后是两个并列的简单句,后句中的with inflation low是介词+宾语+宾补的结构,在这里表示原因即“由于通货膨胀率较低”。

全 文 翻 译
美国的经济复苏仍然处于令人不安的衰弱阶段。最新数据表明,工业生产下降,而贸易赤字达到创记录水平。1) 为了结束经济统计黯淡的一周,美国联邦储备银行宣布,十二月份的工业生产较上月下降了0.2%,这使一直期望经济会有小幅度增长的经济学家非常失望。当然,月度数据总是不可靠的,对意外的坏消息(或好消息)总有貌似合理的解释。可是几乎最近所有的经济统计都表明同样的结果——美国的复苏仍处于缓慢和不稳定状态,这会迫使美联储考虑在其决策委员会月底碰头时再次降低利率。   
然而,经济健康运作的最大障碍是政治。因为美联储主席艾伦•格林斯潘在2002年岁末时承认,未来的不确定性使投资者和消费者望而却步。国际恐怖主义潜在的威胁以及与伊拉克肯定要爆发的一场战争使许多美国人对未来感到不安。2) 二十世纪九十年代后期经济曾从繁荣突然转向滑坡,速度之快使许多公司至今仍头晕目眩,而对这些公司来说,政治气候是使他们推迟投资新厂房、新设备或雇佣新员工的另一个重要理由。对于长期以来作为美国经济支柱的消费者,购物中心带来的刺激最终也似乎在衰减。   
虽然很难对大多数数据做出有利的解释,但是保持对事物的洞察力却很重要。3) 近来一些数字看起来使人沮丧,一部分原因是他们与那些过于乐观的估计不符——那些经济预测家们总是犯这种盲目乐观的错误,而政府竟然还支付给他们工资,不管他们犯过多少回错。美联储将会在这个月剩下的日子里密切关注衰退的进一步迹象。格林斯潘先生是个急切的、甚至过分的经济数据消费者,他已明确表态,如果认为有必要,美联储准备再度降低利率——即使在过去两年中已经降息十二次。不过,在上一次会议上,美联储保持利率不变并示意不希望再度降低利率。
4) 货币政策仍能为微弱的经济活动提供最有效的短期政策刺激,并且由于通货膨胀率较低,美联储还有进一步缓和的余地。布什总统过分吹嘘的财政刺激不可能提供恰当的帮助,肯定也不及时。

11.选[C],事实细节题。该题牵涉到文章第一段的主要内容。段落中uncomfortably weak, falling, trade deficit soars, dismal, disappointment等语句均表明美国经济仍处于令人沮丧的状况,且下文中分析了经济走低的原因及可能的解决办法,故选[C]。文章第一段就指出美国经济现状仍是uncomfortably weak,排除[A];“面临不确定的未来”只是经济不繁荣的一个原因,不足以概括整个经济现状,排除[B];文章提到的unreliable指的是月度数字,而不是整个美国经济,排除[D]。
13.选[C],事实细节题。第二段倒数第二句说政治气候是to put off investing in new plant ...的另一个因素,而所谓政治气候包括上文提到的the shadowy threat of international terrorism和the ... war with Iraq,[C]是其中一个,故选[C]。同时排除[A]和[D];文中shadowy表示“似阴影的,模糊的”,在该句中表示“有可能的”,而direct表示“直接的,明确的”,排除[B]。
14.选[D],观点态度题。第三段第一句即指出It is hard to put a favorable interpretation on most of the data, 说明作者对这些数据的态度是unfavorable, 即critical。[A]“乐观的”、[B]“怀疑的”和[C]“担忧的”均与原文不符。
15.选[B],事实细节题。解答该题需要准确理解原文含义并有一定的经济学常识。上文(第二段)提到人们由于对未来不看好而推迟投资,第三段在试图为此寻求解决办法时提到the Fed stands ready to reduce interest rates again ...,可见货币政策刺激经济最常用的措施就是降低利息率,故选[B]。[A]的描述不够确切,是货币政策起作用之后的结果,而不是其本身起作用的方法;通货膨胀率低使得美联储有进一步降息的空间,而不是刺激经济的方法,排除[C];文章最后一句明确指出布什总统的财政激励措施是muchvaunted(自吹自擂的),并且unlikely to provide appropriate help(不大可能提供适当的帮助),排除[D]。

Text 4
     Forty years ago no one was concerned about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that many fisheries were being over-harvested, toxic wastes were being dumped in the sea, and developers were beginning to seriously disrupt coastlines. In those days, the magnitude of the problems was small, even though it was obvious that if the trends continued people would face severe economic and personal hardship in the future.① People just didn’t understand, nor did they care. Unfortunately many of our concerns were realized, but the situation could have been much worse, had we, and others, not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect it.②   
During our campaign to share the wonders of the sea and alert the public about the need to protect it, we have used every medium available — personal appearances, the printed word, and television. Now there is a new medium that is even more effective than its predecessors. Thanks to the Internet and computers, people can not only receive linear stories, but they can actually participate in them, exploring and learning at their own pace and as their curiosity dictates.③  I  am  tremendously  impressed with the personalization of  what had been labeled by skeptics as the most impersonal medium yet developed.  
For these reasons I have made a major commitment of time and resources to dive into this sea of electronic marvels. I’m swimming hard to keep up, but when I look around I find I’m not alone. We are all learning together and it is an adventure I am finding immensely rewarding. I have been encouraged by our first modest dunking in this new world: Cities under the Sea — Coral Reefs. A couple of months ago I was in Fiji to celebrate the 1997 International Year of the Reef and presented our Cities under the Sea CD-ROM to a group of children. I was impressed to see how quickly they grasped our  concepts and how they directed their own learning process, thanks to the flexibility of the medium.④ It was particularly exciting to see kids squeal with delight as they responded to questions and the computer rewarded them when they got the correct answers.  
 I want young people to experience the mystery and wonder of our oceans. I want them to understand how precious and vulnerable our environment is. Young people need to be taught to take responsibility for ensuring that their heritage will be protected and used wisely. Hopefully the next generation will do a better job than mine has. I believe individuals must be personally involved and I am counting on the Internet to be the medium through which people can experience, learn, and take action.⑤ I am counting on young people with their idealism and energy to create a better future — it is too important to be left to bureaucrats and politicians.

1.toxic   a.有毒的,因中毒引起的:toxic drugs 毒药.
○派  toxicity  n. 毒性,毒力
2.disrupt    vt.使中断,扰乱;Fog disrupts traffic.大雾使交通陷于混乱。
○派 disruption    n. 扰乱:disruption of our production schedule 我们的生产计划被打乱
○派 disruptive    a. 制造混乱的:disruptive student 爱捣乱的学生
3.magnitude   n.①重要性,重大②巨大,广大:an affair of the first magnitude头等重要的事情/  a building of great magnitude巨大的建筑物
4.alert    v.①警告,使警惕②使认识到,使意识到a.警惕的,机灵的n.①警戒,戒备②警报:alert sb. to the dangers警告某人危险/  alert for new usages注意新的用法/  on the alert警戒着,随时准备着
5.medium   n.①手段②媒介a.中等的,适中的:through the medium of ... 通过…方法/  a mediumfor sound声音的传播媒介/  medium wave中波
6.dictate  v.①口授,口述②命令,支配n.命
令,规定,要求:dictate a letter to one’s secretary 向秘书口授信稿/  dictate terms to a defeated army 向战败的敌人指定条件
○派 dictation  n.口授;听写;命令
○派 dictator    n. ①独裁者②霸道的人,爱发号施令者
7.participate    vi.参与,参加:participate in a competition参加竞赛/  participate in social activities参与社会活动
○派 participation   n.参与,分享:one’s participation in an experiment参与试验
○派 participant  n.参加者,参与者:an active participant积极的参与者
○派 participatory  a.共享的
8.skeptic   n. 持怀疑态度的人
○派 skeptical    a.不肯相信的,常怀疑的:be skeptical about/of对某物怀疑
9.impress vt.打动,给…以深刻的印象②印,压印:be impressed by被深深打动/  impress sth. on sb.使某人铭记某事物
○派 impression    n.①印象,感觉②印记,压痕:leave an impression on sb.给某人留下印象
○派 impressive    a.给人印象深刻的,感人的:an impressive ceremony令人印象深刻的仪式
10.commitment   n.①献身②承诺,许诺③承担的义务:a commitment to the just cause为正义事业献身/  make a commitment to do sth. 承诺做某事/  be afraid of any commitments害怕承担任何责任
○同 commit  vt.①承诺②犯(错误、罪):commit to attending the meeting答应参加会议/  commit a crime 犯罪/   commit sb. to jail监禁某人
○同 commission  n.①委员会②佣金,回扣③授权,委托vt.委任,委托:the Civil Service Commission公务员委员会/  commission sb. as a lieutenant委任某人为陆军中尉
11.count   vt.①认为,看作②把…算入③点…的数目,计算 n.①计数,总数②(控告的)一项罪状:count on/   upon依靠,指望/  count in把…算入/  count down(发射火箭等时)倒读数
※1.predecessor    n.前任
※2.bureaucrats    n.官僚,官僚主义者
※3.dunk  v. 浸,泡
※4.coral  n. 珊瑚
※5.reef   n.礁,礁脉
※6.squeal  v. 尖声地说,号叫着说

16.Forty years ago people were indifferent to the health of the ocean because
[A] the ocean was immune to any pollution then.
[B] they didn‘t know what would come of if the ocean was deadly disrupted.
[C] there was no computer then.
[D] there wasn’t any problem with the ocean at that time.
17.The last sentence of the 2nd paragraph tells us that
[A] the writer believes that the computer is as smart as human beings.
[B] the writer believes that the computer is friendly with human beings.
[C] the writer believes that human beings can interact with the computer and do what they want at their will.
[D] the writer believes that human beings have not used the computer to its fullest advantage.
18. The writer went to Fiji to
[A] participate in a celebration .
[B] teach children there how to use the computer.
[C] make an adventure in the sea.
[D] spend the holiday on the seashore.
19. The writer’s attitude to the prospect of the ocean is
[A] desperate.[B] unconcerned.
[C] optimistic.[D] pragmatic.
20. To have a better future for the environment, we shall fall back on
[A] our predecessors.[B] politicians.
[C] computers.[D] young people.

难 句 突 破
1.[In those days], the magnitude (of the problems) was small, [even though it was obvious that [if the trends continued] people would face (severe economic and personal) hardship in the future].
 多重复合句。even though引导让步状语从句,从句中含有一个that引导的主语从句,此主语从句中又包含一个if引导的条件句。
2.[Unfortunately] many of our concerns were realized, but the situation could have been much worse, [had we, and others, not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the need to protect it].
 并列复合句。首先but连接并列句,but 后分句的主句为the situation could have been much worse,had we...为一个省略了引导词if的虚拟条件句。
3.[Thanks to the Internet and computers], people can not only receive linear stories, but they can actually participate in them, [exploring and learning at their own pace and as their curiosity dictates].
 复合句。全句主干是由not only..., but (also)引导的并列句。thanks to ...是介词短语作状语表示“幸亏…,由于…”。exploring and learning...是现在分词作状语。as their curiosity dictates是由as引导的方式状语从句,和介词短语at their own pace共同作状语,修饰exploring and learning。
4.I was impressed [to see how quickly they grasped our concepts and how they directed their own learning process, [thanks to the flexibility of the medium]].
 复合句。to see ... the medium为表示原因的状语;两个how引导宾语从句,作see 的宾语。thanks to...是介词短语作原因状语,表示“由于…”。
5.I believe individuals must be personally involved and I am counting on the Internet to be the medium (through which people can experience, learn, and take action).
 多重复合句。individuals must be personally involved是省略了引导词that的believe宾语从句,count on是动词短语,意思是“依靠;指望;期待”,这里指“期待”之意。which引导定语从句,through是介词,表示“通过…方式”,提到引导词which前面。

全 文 翻 译
四十年前没有人关心海洋的健康问题,尽管捕鱼者正在过度捕捞、有毒废物正在倾倒进大海、开发者开始严重毁坏海岸线。1) 那时,问题还不算严重,虽然人们知道如果这样发展下去,人们未来会面临严重的经济和个人生活困难。人们是既不明白,也不关心。2) 不幸的是,我们的很多担忧成为了现实。但是,如果我们和其他人不采取行动告诉人们有关海洋的情况和保护海洋的必要性,情况可能会更糟。       
在我们分享海洋的奇迹和警告人们应该保护海洋的运动中,我们使用了每一种可能的媒介——真人露面、印刷制品和电视宣传。现在有了一种比以前任何媒介都有效的新媒介,3) 因为互联网和电脑的出现,人们不但能够接收系列的信息,而且还可以根据自己的兴趣、以自己的进度参与探索和研究。被怀疑论者标榜为最没有人情味但又高度发展的媒介所具有的人性化特点给我留下了深刻印象。   
我希望年轻人能够体验海洋的神秘和奇妙。我希望他们能够理解环境是多么地珍贵和脆弱。年轻人需要受到教导来承担起合理保护和利用环境遗产的重任。我希望下一代能比我们这一代做得更好。5) 我坚信每个人都应该参与其中,而且,我希望人们通过互联网体验、学习和采取行动。我希望年轻人心怀理想、充满激情地去创造美好的未来——这个使命太过重要,决不能交给官僚和政客们去做。

17.选[C],推理判断题。注意本句的理解。此句主干部分为I am impressed with the personalization,介词of后面是由what引导的宾语从句,在这一从句中,yet是连词,连接impersonal和developed两个并列成分。label ... as意思是“把…称作”。该句句意为:被怀疑论者标榜为没有人情味但又高度发展的媒体所具有的人性化特点给我留下了深刻印象。作者肯定了计算机具有的人性化特征。人性化特征的具体表现在前一句提到“…人们不仅可以得到系列的信息,而且还可以根据自己的兴趣并以自己的进度并参与探索和研究”。 [C]“作者认为学习者可以与计算机进行互动交流并根据自己的需求做自己想做的事”和这一表现最吻合,准确地反映了计算机的人性化特征;[A]、[D]都不属于人性化特征; [B]“作者认为计算机对人类很友好”很含糊,不能准确反映计算机的人性化特征。
20.选[D],推理判断题。从上一题的解释中可以看出,作者寄希望于年轻一代,希望他们能够创造美好的明天。最后一句话it is too important to be left to bureaucrats and politicians指出这一任务非常重要,不应该留给官员和政治家去完成,因此排除了[B];也不可能由我们的前辈(即[A])去完成这一使命;计算机只是完成任务的工具,[C]也不对。

Part B
Directions: In the article, following sentences have been removed. For Questions 21---25, choose the most suitable one from the list [A]—[G] to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps.
Corporate universities (CU) can be described as institutional mechanisms that tie together the strategic development of the organization with the development of its human resources. They should be regarded as a strategic umbrella for all employees and the entire value chain, including suppliers and customers.
21.        While some of these  —such as Motorola University, GE’s Grotonville and  Bank  of  Montreal’s Institute for Learning — have been operational for years, many of these efforts are new and consume vast amounts of resources relative to the size of the companies undertaking them.  
 A true corporate university is not just a repackaging of the old training department of the company or the agglomeration of a bunch of unrelated courses into some framework that is packaged together. This fools nobody and results in cynicism about developmental efforts, no matter how well intentioned. 22.          
 It usually involves a series of courses or programs, usually customdesigned and delivered for a company but sometimes involving “outside” courses or those developed for consortia of companies or trade associations.   
 One qualifies for the corporate university through some combination of performance and developmental potential and graduation from it usually results in increasing challenges and levels of responsibility.    
These corporate universities are used to develop three organizational attributes that are central to the development of competitive advantage: shared values, a common sense of mission along with individual and team leadership and functional skills.  
 Corporate universities are often the most visible manifestation of a company’s willingness to invest in its people. Given the diversity of issues confronting companies, it is impossible to suggest a generic architecture that would suit all corporate circumstances.
What is important is that there should be an architecture  —  an overall concept about what the corporate universities is intended to do, what its key components should be, a vision of what it might look like once it is built, and at least some guiding estimates of time, resources required and costs.
Skills in today’s fast-paced environment need replacing much faster than ever before. Systems and techniques learnt become obsolete in months. Corporate universities are particularly useful in developing very quickly a new set of skills, such as Six Sigma, e-commerce, or economic value-added approaches to financial decision=making.   
Often, because the infrastructure is already in place, and because mangers are accustomed to seeking their skills development through the corporate university, it becomes a highly costeffective delivery system for such skill components.
24.       Some or all of these methodologies are being adapted for delivery or support through the Internet  —  or Internet-based learning support systems, to complement traditional classroom learning.   
 As a whole, corporate universities have well-developed alliances with higher education institutions.
The very best corporate universities are staffed by a blend of outstanding professors from the best business schools, senior officers from the company, including the CEO and program administrators, and practitioners from outside the corporation.

[A] In our experience,corporate university must be prepared to be heavily involved in the cultivating of new skills.
[B] Companies large and small the world over have been developing their own “corporate universities”.
[C] A real corporate university is where business strategy, organizational culture and human resource development meet, blend and synthesize  —  and performance takes off.
[D] So, rather than undermining universities per se, they attempt to emulate the university experience while branding it their own. 
[E] Increasingly, corporate universities are important to corporations because they teach their staff the values of the organization. 
[F] Those who pass through the experience  —  just like those who passed though all great universities  —  share some common language, some distinct ways of thinking about things, even though they remain distinct individuals with their own ideas, they are influenced by the process but are not brainwashed by it.
[G] Corporate universities employ a variety of learning methodologies. This includes case study discussions, simulations, lectures, “fireside chats” and  —  more recently and with greater emphasis  —  “action learning”, in which the learning that participants get is integrated with “real” work that they have to do.

1.bunch   n.①群,伙②束,串,捆vi.集中,挤在一起vt.使成一束(或一群等): a bunch of thugs一群恶棍/  a bunch of bananas 一串香蕉/  runners all bunched together 挤在一起的赛跑者
2.confront   vt.①迎面遇到,面临,遭遇②勇敢地面对,正视③使对质,使当面对证:confront the tremendous and complicate problems面临着艰巨而复杂的问题/  confront the future with optimism 乐观地面对未来/  be confronted with accusers与原告对质    
○派 confrontation   n.①面对②对质,对抗:confrontation with facts面对事实/  ease racial confrontation缓解种族对抗
3.intend   vt.①想要,打算,计划②打算,使(成为),想让…做:intend to get a college degree想要获得大学学位/  intend a child for a doctor打算让孩子以后行医
○同 intense    a.①强烈的,剧烈的,紧张的②专注的③热情的:intense but orderly work紧张而有序的工作/  an intense feeling of homesickness强烈的思乡之情/  an intense study认真的研究
○同 intensify   v.(使)增强,(使)加剧:intensify one’s efforts加紧努力/  intensify the struggle for peace加强争取和平的斗争
4.component  n.(组)成(部)分,部件,元件:consist of many components由很多个部件组成/  a component of sea water海水的成分
5.obsolete    a.①已废弃的,不用的②陈旧的n.被废弃的事物:an obsolete custom陈旧的习俗
6.financial    a.财政的,金融的:financial penalty经济处罚/  financial circles (world)金融界
○同 finance   vt.为…提供资金,为…筹措资金:finance his visit to Japan出钱供他去日本/  finance the building of roads为筑路筹措资金
7.accustomed   a. ①通常的,惯常的②习惯的,适应了的:talk the accustomed pattern 说老一套/be accustomed to 习惯于…
○同 accustom   v. 使习惯于:accustom oneself to rising early使自己习惯于早起
8. perse adv.本身,本质上
※1.agglomeration   n.聚结
※2.consortia    n.公会
※3.methodology    n.方法学,方法论
※4.cynicism  n. 愤世疾俗的态度
※5.generic  a.属的,类的,一般的
※6.emulate   v. 赶超某人
※7.simulation   n. 模拟操

全 文 翻 译
公司大学 (CU) 可以被描述为将公司的战略发展与其人力资源的发展结合起来的具有公共机构特征的组织,应将他们视为对所有雇员及包括供货商和消费者在内的整个价值链的战略保护伞。

21.选[B]。此题应通过段落结构和句组关系来确定选项。空格后面提到some of these,然后详细地列举了很多公司大学如Motorola University, GEs Grotonville, Bank of Montreals Institute for Learning都已开办多年,这说明前文必然提到有很多公司大学;同时后面还提到很多新建的公司大学也耗资巨大,由此可以推测出此段的开头必然会概要地介绍公司大学是非常流行的。而[B]项提到了全世界大大小小的公司 (large and small the world over) 都一直在办自己的“公司大学”,所以正确答案只能是 [B]。
22.选[C]。本题应通过对句组关系的理解来解答。空格前提到公司大学不能只是将公司原有的培训部门加以整合,这样会为人嗤笑,那空格部分肯定会讨论真正的公司大学应该是什么样的。[C]项提到真正的公司大学是企业战略 (business strategy)、企业文化 (organizational culture ) 和人力资源发展 (human resource development) 会合、交融、综合的所在,是使业绩得已腾飞之处。[C]项和空格前的部分衔接紧密,所以正确答案只能是[C]。
23.选[F]。此空独立成段,所以只能从段际关系来分析,因此这段必然要起承上启下的作用。空格前一段讲述了公司大学的学员毕业后会表现出进取心和责任感。空格后一段讲述了公司大学可以发展三种公司属性:价值观、使命感以及工作技能。[F]项提到公司大学毕业的人,都会有某种共同的语言 (some common language),一些对事物明确的思维方式 (some distinct ways of thinking about things),是一个很好的过渡段,因此正确答案只能是[F]。[E]项有一定的干扰性,因为[E]项提到了公司大学要教会员工the values of the organization,但这里更应强调学员学到了什么,故不选[E]项。
24.选[G]。此题应通过对句组关系和上下文词语的共现关系的理解来确定选项。本段空格后一开始就有 some or all of these methodologies,空白部分就应该提到一些methodologies。空格后的句子讨论了前述各种学习方法部分或全部是适合通过互联网来提供或支持的 (being adapted for delivery or support),与传统的教室学习的方式相辅相成。[G]项提到公司大学运用各种各样的学习方法 (employ a variety of learning methodologies),因此正确答案只能是[G]。[A]项有一定的干扰性,因为[A]项提到了new skills,但[A]项skills和 methodologies还是有差别的,[A]项与下文的衔接不如[G]项紧密,故不选[A]项。
25.选[D]。本题主要通过对句际关系的理解来解答。空格前描述了公司大学和高等教育机构良好的合作关系 (have welldeveloped alliances),考生看到这里自然应该想到后面应该是针对这一论断而给出的推论,而在[D]项中我们看到关键词(so)正好符合了我们的这种判断。又通过对上下文的句意理解发现选项[D]提到公司大学不是要否定大学教育本身,而是要仿效大学教育的经验来创立自己的品牌(emulate the university experience while branding it their own),和空格前所讲的内容衔接紧密,所以正确答案只能是[D]。

Part C
Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese.
Education of exceptional children means provision of special educational services to those children who are either handicapped or gifted. 26)Exceptional children differ from average children in mental characteristics, sensory abilities, physical characteristics, emotional behavior, or communication abilities to the extent that they require special educational services to develop to their potential. The Department of Education estimates that 10 to 20 percent of the children in the United States  suffer from handicaps. Another 2 to 3 percent are considered gifted. Special education provides these children with individualized learning experiences suitable to their unique abilities.
Caring for people who have disabilities is a relatively new idea. In ancient times disabled people were left to die. During the Middle Ages they were treated more humanely, but it was not thought that they could learn. In the 19th century, residential treatment centers were established, first in Europe and then in the US by individual states, to care for people who were blind, deaf, severely retarded, or suffered from severe emotional disorders. By the 20th century, special classes and public day schools were begun, but these facilities served very few children. 27) After World War II the attitude of Americans concerning the education of persons who were disabled changed significantly. Responsibility for special education was assumed by state legisla tures and the federal government. 28) Parent groups formed to lobby for the rights of children with disabilities, joined with professional educational programs.  
 29) In 1925 the US congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act which guarantees a free and appropriate education to all children in the US between the ages of 3 and 21. The law provides funds for special education programs to states and local districts that comply with a set of guidelines. These include provision of special education services in the last  restrictive environment, an individualized educational plan for each child, a comprehensive diagnosis of each child’s disabilities by qualified professionals, an annual review of each child’s progress, and the involvement of parents in educational decisions. Amendments to the law require that the local school districts actively search for and offer services to disabled children between ages three and five.   
30) Although the education of students with special gifts and talents is still largely ignored more programs are now available to meet their needs. Some 23 states mandate special services for these students. Talents may be in academic, artistic, creative, or leadership abilities.

1.handicapped   a.残废的n.残疾人:physically handicapped children身体残疾的儿童
○同 handicap  vt.妨碍,使不利n.① 缺陷②障碍,不利条件:be handicapped by lack of money因缺钱而吃亏
2.individual   a.①个人的,个别的②独特的n.个人:individual economy个体经济/   an individual style独特风格/  rights of individual’s个人权利
○同 individuality  n.①个体②个性,特性:be deprived of their individuality失去个性
3.suitable   a.合适的,适宜的:be suitable to the occasion切合时宜
4.lobby   v.向(议员等)进行游说(或疏通) n.①(旅馆、戏院等的)大厅,休息室②院外活动集团:lobby for higher farm subsidies 游说以提高农业补贴/  the lobby of a hotel 旅店的大厅
5.comply   vi.(with)遵从,依从,服从:comply with the request 满足要
6.provision    n.①供应②准备,预备③条款,规定:require provision要求供应/  make provision  for one’s old age为他日养老做准备/  follow out provision 执行规定
○同 provide   v.提供,供给:provide sb. with sth.向某人提供某事物/  provide for one’s children抚养子女
7.ignore    vt.忽视,不理睬:ignore the fact忽略事实/  ignore personal danger不顾个人安危 
○派 ignorant   a.①不知道的②无知的,愚昧的:be ignorant about potential hazards对潜在危险一无所知/  a crude and ignorant man粗鲁无知的男人
○派 ignorance n.无知,愚昧:the ignorance about medical science对医学知识的不了解
※1.retarded    a.智力迟钝的
※2.legislature   n.立法机关
※3.amendment n.修正案
※4.mandate    v.批准
※5.sensory   a. 感觉的

考 点 详 解
26.(Exceptional) children differ from average children [in mental characteristics, sensory abilities, physical characteristics, emotional behavior, or communication abilities] to the extent {that they require special educational services to develop to their potential}.
【句法分析】 复合句。句子主干为:Exceptional children differ from average children ...;that引导的同位语从句修饰the extent。that 引导的同位语从句修饰the extent,在此后置译为结果状语从句。
【词汇分析】 1)mental characteristics直译为“精神上的特征”,结合上下文应译为“心理特征”;相应的 sensory abilities 译为“感观能力”; 2)physical characteristics “体格特征”; 3)emotional behavior应译为“情感行为”。
27.[After World War II] the attitude (of Americans) (concerning the education of persons………… (who were disabled)) changed [significantly].
【句法分析】 含有定语从句的复合句。句子主干为:... the attitude of Americans ... changed ... 。现在分词短语concerning...作定语修饰the attitude of Americans, who were disabled这一定语从句修饰persons。 who were disabled这一定语从句可前置译为定语“残疾”。
【词汇分析】 concerning是介词,意为“关于”。
【警示】 不要将changed误认为是education的谓语。
28.Parent groups formed [to lobby for the rights of children with disabilities], [joined with professional educational programs].
【句法分析】 简单句。句子主干为:Parent groups formed to lobby for ...,而joined with...作状语成分,表示谓语的伴随状态。
【词汇分析】 1)Parent group直译为“父亲(或母亲)团体”,在此应根据上下文翻译为“家长团体”;2)joined with意为“和…一起参与”,这里用了过去分词表示被动,那么就是“和各类家长团体一起参与”,应该翻译为“联合”。
【警示】 professional educational programs在文章中指的是“专业教育项目的成员”,而非“专业教育项目”。
29.[In 1925] the US congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (which guarantees a free and appropriate education to all children in the US between the ages of 3 and 21).
【句法分析】 含定语从句的复合句。句子主干为:... the US congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act ...。which引导定语从句修饰the Education for All Handicapped Children Act;介词短语in the US between the ages of 3 and 21作定语修饰all children。
【词汇分析】 1)the US congress为专有名词,译为“美国国会” ; 2)Education for All Handicapped Children Act是专有名词,翻译为《全美残疾儿童教育法案》。
【警示】 英语定语过长,又与被修饰词的关系不是很紧密时,可以把定语单独翻译成句,以保持句子的平衡。
30.[Although the education of students with special gifts and talents is still largely ignored],(more) programs are now available [to meet their needs].
【句法分析】 含让步性状语从句的(复合句)。句子主干为:... more programs are now available...。 although引导的是让步性状语从句;with special gifts and talents作定语修饰students。
【词汇分析】 1)gifts and talents应该翻译为“天赋和才能”;2)education名词转换为动词译为“教育”。
【警示】 翻译被动句“..is still largely ignored”,应当把“我们”翻译出来。

全 文 翻 译
所谓异常儿童教育是指为残疾儿童或天才儿童提供特殊的教育服务。26) 异常的孩子与普通孩子在心理特征﹑感观能力、体格特征﹑情感行为以及交流能力上都有所不同,以至于需要特殊的教育来发掘他们的潜能。据教育部估计,美国有百分之十至百分之二十的孩子身患残疾,而百分之二至百分之三的孩子则被认为是天才。特殊教育为这些孩子提供与他们独特能力相适应的个人化的学习体验。   
关心身患残疾的人是一个相对新鲜的理念。在古代,残疾人会被遗弃而死。到了中世纪,他们得到了更为人道的待遇,但没有人认为他们能够学习。十九世纪时,住宿式的治疗中心先后在欧洲和美国的某些州建立起来,以治疗眼盲、耳聋、严重智障或精神极度失调的人。到了二十世纪,特殊班级和公立全日制学校开始面世,但这些设施所招收的学生还是很少。27) 第二次世界大战之后,美国对残疾人教育问题的态度发生了很大的改变。州立法机关和联邦政府承担起特殊教育的义务。28) 各类家长团体组建起来,并结合专业教育项目,为残疾儿童的权利而游走呼吁。
29) 1925年,美国国会颁布了《全美残疾儿童教育法案》,这保证了美国所有3岁至21岁的孩子都能享有免费的、适当的教育。法律为各州和地方行政区提供资金,支持遵守一定指导原则的特殊教育项目。这些指导方针包括:在最后的限制性环境中提供特殊教育服务,给每个孩子制定一个个人化的教育计划,让合格的专业人员对每个孩子的残疾程度进行全面诊断,对每个孩子的进步情况进行年度检查,让父母参与到教育决策中。法律修正案要求学校所在行政区为三岁至五岁之间的儿童积极寻求并提供服务。
30) 尽管我们仍然在很大程度上忽略了对具有特殊天赋和才能的学生进行教育,但是现在有越来越多的项目可用来满足他们的需要。约有23个州已经批准了给予这些学生特殊服务,他们的才能体现在学习、艺术、创造力或是领导能力等方面。


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