考研帮 > 英语 > 复习经验


  主动 被动 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done 从上述表格可以看出,动名词和现在分词的时态完全相同,而非谓语动词之间的区别主要是用法上的区别。动名词和现在分词形式相同,用法却大相径庭,动名词一般式表示的动作通常与谓语动词的动作几乎同时发生,而动名词的完成式则表示动作在谓语动词的动作之前已发生。
  例句: Mr. Jankin regretted blaming his secretary for the mistake, for he later discovered it was his own fault.(regretted与blaming所表示动作几乎同时发生)
  分析: 该句是复合句。动名词blaming在句中作宾语,it was his own fault是discovered的宾语从句。
  译文: 坚金先生后悔责怪秘书了,因为他后来发现是自己的过错。
  例句: ——Did you find out who had stolen my watch?
  ——That child didnt admit having done that.(having done所表示动作在动词admit 前已经发生)
  分析: 前一分句是一复合句,who had stolen my watch作find out的宾语,后一分句是一简单句。
  译文: ——你查出是谁把我的手表盗走了吗?
  例句: I appreciated having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.(having been given所表示动作在谓语动词appreciated之前已发生)
  分析: 该句是简单句。
  译文: 我很感谢两年前给我出国进修的机会。

  例句: Knowing what youre good at and doing even more of it creates excellence.
  (选自2009年Text 1)
  分析: 该句是复合句,其中主语中what youre good at作knowing的宾语。
  译文: 假如你了解自己在哪方面擅长并且更多地去实践就能创造辉煌。
  例句: Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true when it comes to classroom tests. (1998年第6题)
  分析: 该句是复合句。when引导一时间状语从句。
  译文: 做作业是提高你考试成绩的有效之策;对于随堂测试,该方法尤为可靠。
  例句: We should always keep in mind that our work is serving the people.
  分析: 该句是复合句,其中that our work is serving the people在句中作keep的宾语,短语keep sth. in mind意为“牢记……”。
  译文: 我们应切实牢记我们的工作是为人民服务。
  例句: Reading is learning, but applying is also learning and the more important kind of learning at that.
  分析: 该句是并列句。
  译文: 读书是学习,但使用也是学习,而且是更重要的学习。
  例句: Discussions at home can help kids practice doing these things and help them apply these skills to everyday life situations. (选自2007年Part B)
  分析: 该句是简单句。help kids practice...与help them apply...是两并列谓语。
  译文: 在家中的讨论可以帮助孩子练习这些事情,也可以帮助他们把这些技能应用到现实的生活中去。
  例句: In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “United we stand, divided we fall”.(2005年第50题)
  分析: 该句是简单句。其中it是形式主语,真正的主语是to say “United we stand, divided we fall”。
  译文: 在应对如此大规模的挑战时,我们可以毫不夸张地说:“联合,我们就生存;分裂,我们就灭亡”。
  例句: In the past, he was the only person in the village that could drive walking tractor, which made most of the villagers jealous.
  分析: 该句是复合句。that could drive walking tractor是修饰the only person的定语从句,非限制性定语从句which made most of the villagers jealous修饰的是前面整个句子。
  译文: 他过去是村里唯一会开拖拉机的人,这令大多数村民羡慕不已。
  例句: The workers are busy building a listening room, which will have been finished by the end of this semester.
  分析: 该句是复合句。非限制性定语从句which will have been finished by the end of this semester修饰a listening room。
  译文: 工人们正在修建的语音室将在本学期末竣工。






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