


Top 1 教育专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康
1、大学生就业       It’s understandable that, faced with the increasingly stern situation of employment, a great majority (绝大多数) of undergraduates choose the way of trying for master programs to deepen their professional knowledge, so as to avoid a period of sluggish (低迷的) job market and better find the development opportunities.
      Furthermore, a satisfactory salary and benefits package (福利待遇) will guarantee the standard of their life, while a pleasant atmosphere in workplace is a necessary element to prevent distractions and focus on work itself.
      Today’s employers are putting increasing emphasis on candidate’s problem-solving skills and the correct mindset (思维模式) to get a job which are unfortunately found missing from most young graduates.
      To assure smooth integration into professional life, and hence into society, students need to equip themselves with (装备)a battery of professional practical skills and develop a career plan aligned with (使一致) their abilities and interests instead of continuing to moan about (抱怨)the lack of employment opportunities.
      As time passed, the rapid expansion of programs and the quality of MBA students have become controversial topics(有争议的话题), both in and out of business.
      Maybe today’s employers place a higher value upon (更注重) a job-hunter’s practical work experience, professional background and personal capability.
2、出国留学及归国       At the same time, as China accelerates the process of (加快进程) internationalization and more jobs are available to returnees, overseas students prefer to go back to China.
      Perhaps more importantly, the support from national policies acts as a further stimulus. Chinese government has adopted the policy of supporting the overseas studies, and encouraging overseas students to come back after they complete their studies.
      Firstly, as China continues deepening reform and opening up policy(改革开放政策), the government has adopted various strategies, such as the Project of Thousands Talents to stimulate the return of overseas high-skilled nationals.
      Secondly, with the faster progress of internationalization, Chinese enterprises are recognizing the need for more employees with international qualifications and networks.
3、大学生文化消费       The fact that reading takes the lead (高居榜首) in cultural consumption types reveals that college students still regard acquiring knowledge, whether professional or amateur, as their priority.
      With the development of modern technology, students can easily find out information of movies or TV series they are interested in just through surfing the Internet and book a ticket online or buy a VIP membership of video websites.
4、大学生逃课问题        To address the issue (要解决这个问题), we need joint efforts from universities, the teachers and the students themselves. We are in need of more profound educational reform from universities, enhancements of sense of responsibility for teachers and self-discipline(自律) on the part of the students.
Directions       Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should
      1) interpret the chart, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      The pie chart distinctly exhibits the graduation choices of those to-be graduate. Based upon the data provided above, it can be noticed that 45% college students choose to continue with postgraduate education, which ranks the first among all the categories. Those who intend to obtain employment occupy 26%. And the proportions of starting up business, taking part in civil servant exam and studying abroad take up 15%, 8% and 6% respectively.
The contributing factors accounting for this scenario are in the following. To begin with, along with the admission expansion of colleges, quantities of graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. It’s understandable that, faced with the increasingly stern situation of employment (愈加严峻的就业形势) , a great majority of undergraduates choose the way of trying for master programs to deepen their professional knowledge, so as to avoid a period of sluggish job market and better find the development opportunities. Furthermore, we must admit, college students have gradually transformed their outlook on job pursuit. The “iron rice bowl”, namely possessing a stable and lifelong job, such as civil servant, is no longer preferred as before. They now focus more on personal interest. Finally, under the guidance of government and favorable privileges endowed to college students, the proportion of entrepreneurial survival is rising. Hence, growing students take the road of being self-employed.
      Given the analysis talked above, we can see traditional occupation view has been broken. Therefore, it is no surprise to see the current scenario, and I believe this condition will continue in the years to come.
      Thank you for your time and consideration.

TOP 2 社科文化生活专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康
1、出境游       They are popular because they can provide both good accommodations and tax deductions to Chinese tourists who buy luxury goods.
      Besides, some foreign countries have loosened visa requirements (放宽签证要求) for Chinese visitors to boost their economic growth, also contributing to the increase in visitors from China.
2、养老       To begin with, the tradition of supporting the elders at home in China has hindered the development of nursing institutions. What’s more, while the aging of the population (人口老龄化)is speeding up (加速), the attention placed on the elders is insufficient.
      In addition, more funds should be invested for the construction of elder-care institutions. Only in this way can we construct a society in which the elderly are looked after properly.
3、选择工作的考虑因素       For one thing, the fast-developing and increasingly open social environment, especially the development of the Internet and other emerging industries, has strongly influenced the occupational choices of post 90s.
      For another, the new family structure--nuclear family (核心家庭), as well as the fading notion of “raising children for one’s old age”, has made the post 90s shoulder less family responsibilities than the post 80s, and become more self-directed(以自我为中心) when choosing their jobs.
4、购房者年龄分布       This generation is old enough to settle down and have a family, and a house is the prerequisite (先决条件) for these objectives.
      Besides, they are the first to grow up under the one-child policy rolled out in 1979, and their parents are willing to sacrifice greatly to help them buy a house.
5、票房       First of all, with the sustainable national economy growth, people’s material life quality has a great improvement accordingly, thus there emerges an increasingly tremendous demand for cultural and recreational consumption(文化和娱乐消费).
      On national policies, cinema construction has been massively expanded, the potential of mass cultural consumption has been fully tapped (挖掘), and the consumption channels of mass culture has been vastly broadened.
6、餐饮类图书       Secondly, some best-sellers on diet culture such as A Bite of China reignite (重燃)people’s interest in the splendid food cultures, leading to more sales of this kind of books.
      Lastly, with the rapid development of the economy and the rising living standard, people’s dietary habits and consumption idea have changed so much that they become more willing to accept Western diet and even prepare it themselves with the help of books on Western food.
Directions       Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
      1) interpret the chart, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      From the chart above, we can see the numbers of beds per thousand older people in elder-care institutions of some Chinese cities and the developed countries. Though the numbers for some cities, such as Guangzhou, Wuhan and Beijing, are higher than the average number for the whole country, which is 21.5, they are still much lower than that of developed countries, which is 60.
      There are many factorscontributing to (促成) the above-mentioned phenomenon, but in general, they may come down to(可以归结为) two major ones. To begin with, the tradition of supporting the elders at home in China has hindered the development of nursing institutions. What’s more, while the aging of the population (老龄化) is speeding up (加速), the attention placed on the elders is insufficient.
      Considering the big gap between China and the developed countries, it is high time for us to take measures to close the gap. First, we should change our idea that nursing institutions are only for whose children don’t respect them. In addition, more funds should be invested for the construction of elder-care institutions. Only in this way can we construct a society in which the elderly are looked after properly.

Top 3 网络科技专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康
1、支付方式       The first and foremost one is the rapid development of information technology and the popularity of smart phones, which make mobile payment technically guaranteed and feasible among common people.
      Lastly, it must be stressed that the present situation, to a large degree, stems from (源于) China’s revolutionary renovation of paying system and the perfection of related rules and regulations.
2、消费者网购满意度       To begin with, laws and regulations need to be carried out more strictly to punish those who sell fake and low-quality commodities. Furthermore, consumers need to enhance their own sense of (加强意识)self-protection against online frauds(网络欺诈). Last but not least, platforms and online stores are supposed to deal with the after-sale disputes(售后纠纷) in time with a responsible attitude.
3、网民比例意度       Online shopping, for instance, has become a part of many young people’s life. Older people, on the other hand, may not be familiar with or even have doubts about these uses of Internet.
      From what has been discussed above,we may safely draw the conclusion that this phenomenon has much to do with people’s education level and life style. With time going by, more people will need to and be able to use Internet and hence the proportions of adult users will become more evenly distributed.
Directions       Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should
      1) describe the chart, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write at least 150 words.
      Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      The bar chart clearly reflects the statistics of consumers’ satisfaction degree with online shopping in a certain city. According to the data given, we can see that the most dissatisfying situation is consumers’ complaints about the quality of products, taking up 59.45%. The second problem is that the advertising is not in consistent with the products, occupying 53.48%. Meanwhile, the proportion of consumers’ dissatisfaction with delivery problems and online frauds are almost the same, at 33.58% and 31.84% respectively. In contrast, the proportion of their dissatisfaction with after-sale service is relatively low, at 26.87%.
      The chart obviously reveals the problems with online shopping. The following factors may account for these problems. In the first place, putting profit-seeking first, the producers and sellers do not take the quality seriously. In the second, poor traffic conditions and lack of sense of responsibility with the delivery people may have caused the delivery problems. In the third, the difficulty in the law enforcement is partly responsible for the prevalence of Internet frauds (网络诈骗). All these can make a great damage to the environment of online shopping and especially the confidence of consumers.
      We can address the problems with the approaches listed below. To begin with, laws and regulations need to be carried out more strictly to punish those who sell fake and low-quality commodities. Furthermore, consumers need to enhance their own sense of self-protection against online frauds. Last but not least, platforms and online stores are supposed to deal with the after-sale disputes in time with a responsible attitude.

TOP 4 经济专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康
1、手机市场份额       To start, with the astonishing advancing rate of technological progression and innovation in recent years, cutting-edge technology (尖端技术) has been applied to domestic-made phone, and China’s independent mobile phone brands have risenby leaps and bounds (突飞猛进地), which fundamentally enhances its cost performance and competition.
2、我国汽车产量       In addition, it must be pointed out that with people’s disposable income growing and the price of domestically-produced cars falling significantly, domestic automobiles enter more and more families as a necessary means of transportation, thus promoting the automobile industry.
      From my perspective, as a result of the boom in the automobile industry, the total number of vehicles in cities has witnessed a great increase, raising concerns about the environmental pollution and the traffic jam. Therefore, we should take effective measures to, if not avert, mitigate such problems.
Directions       Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
      1) interpret the chart, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      The bar above demonstrates clearly that significant changes have taken place with respect to the market shares in domestic smart phone of Huawei and Apple brand from 2012 to 2017. In the light of the given information, it can be noticed, within just five years, there was a marked jump of 25% from 15% to 40% in the market share of Huawei mobile phone, while that of Apple brand declined slightly, by 5% from 35% to 30%.
      It is no difficult job to point out some influences accounting for these changes. To start, with the astonishing advancing rate of technological progression and innovation (科技进步和创新惊人的发展速度)in recent years, cutting-edge technology(尖端技术) has been applied to domestic-made phone, and China’s independent mobile phone brands have risen by leaps and bounds (突飞猛进地), which fundamentally enhances its cost performance and competition. Furthermore, the fact cannot be ignored that this phenomenon is bound up with operator’s policies and ingenious tactics. It is reported that many Chinese smart phone manufactures have turned to price promotions to boost sales. Lastly, we may notice, the optimization of home-made mobile phone, which is made based on our national conditions, produces a contributing effect as well.
      Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish and to help others, we see very few people practicing what they preach. But you showed by your actions that you are an exception. I must thank you again for your generous help(慷慨的帮助).
      Considering the arguments above, we can conclude with confidence that this trend is quite positive and therefore beneficial. And I firmly believe that this tendency will keep going in the years to come.

TOP 5 环境专题 押题统计:张剑、蒋军虎、新东方、陈正康
      From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that this phenomenon has much to do with people’s education level, life style and people’s awareness of environmental conservation. With time going by, more people will understand the importance of curbing greenhouses gas emission(温室气体排放) regardless of age group.
2、PM 2.5源分析排
      What’s more, with increased temperatures worldwide, increase in sea levels and melting of ice from colder regions and icebergs, displacement and loss of habitat have already signaled an impending disaster and actions for preservation and normalization should be undertaken soon.
      Emission standards must be also established, the limits for particulars must be set and laws must be legislated to punish the air polluters.
Directions       Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
      1) interpret the chart, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      The pie chart above depicts the proportion of several sources of atmospheric particulate matter (颗粒物), PM 2.5 in particular. Apparently, it manifests that human activities, such as coal combustion (煤燃烧), the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants and various industrial processes generate significant amounts of particulates.
      The aim of the drawing is to revel the causes of air pollution which is getting increasingly serious in our modern society. In fact, PM 2.5 crisis should be our uppermost (最主要的) concern. Otherwise, human health will not be guaranteed and our environment is bound to deteriorate (恶化). To begin with, inhalation of particulate pollution can have adverse(不利的) health impacts. Even for healthy people, polluted air can cause respiratory irritation (呼吸道刺激) or breathing difficulties during exercise or outdoor activities. What’s more, with increased temperature worldwide, increase in sea levels and melting of ice from colder regions and icebergs, displacement and loss habitat have already signaled an impending disaster and actions for preservation and normalization should be undertaken soon.
      Therefore, counter-measures to deal with PM 2.5 crisis should be taken so as to return human a safe, healthy environment to live in. Emission standards must be also established, the limits for particulars must be set and laws must be legislated to punish the air polluters.

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