


Top 1:教育专题 押题统计:新东方、张剑
1.老师教学方法       If a teacher is honest, reliable and responsible and hence respected by all the people, the students will follow his or her suit and develop into such a person.
      Based on the analysis above, we may safely conclude that teachers should possess teachers' ethics(师德), respecting and caring for their students so that students can learn to respect others.
2、校园霸凌       But bullying(欺凌弱小) can have a wide spectrum of effects on a student, making him or her feel angry, depressed, stressed and even want to commit suicide(自杀). Additionally, the school bullying can develop into different social disorders.
      Therefore, it is imperative for the relevant authorities to implement school regulations and laws to prevent and punish the school bullying.
3、对待知识的态度       As a matter of fact, with each passing day, modern society urges us to increase our studies and to remain open to new knowledge at all times. Only in this way can we maintain pace with(跟上…步伐) rapid social development. Otherwise, sooner or later, we will be weeded out(淘汰).
      All in all, we should always bear in mind(牢记) that one is never too “full” to learn.
4、海外游学       With the upgrading education consumption, overseas study tour services have been heating up but brought about(引起) some pressing(紧迫的) issues as well.
      For one thing, agencies make use of parents' anxiety about their children's education and boast the value of overseas study tour, but during the services they cut corners(马虎从事) by converting(使转变) study tours into nothing more than sightseeing.
5、青年教学       And after getting admitted to(被录取) universities, those students without self-discipline(自制力) fail to do their duties conscientiously(认真地) and waste their precious time with nothing accomplished.
      The significance of education in cultivating talents is self-evident(不证自明的), and the quality of education is vital to a nation's future. Secondary school students' burden had better be effectively alleviated(减轻) and score should not be regarded as the only measure.
      Today, many celebrities are accumulating(积累) great wealth by hyping(大肆炒作) themselves up through vulgar(粗俗的) means. This severely distorts(扭曲,使变形) teenagers' values, inducing them to believe that fame, fortune and quick success matter most while diligence, tolerance and entrepreneurship are outdated.
      Without solid skills and concrete abilities, a celebrity(名人) will inevitably(不可避免地) become a has- been(过去时、已经).
      Therefore, it's essential that educators and parents jointly(共同地) guide our youngsters to cultivate a critical mind and hence foster noble ideals(培养高尚理想).
6、人文教育与专业教育       The essence(本质) of humanity education lies in the cultivation of a human being. It helps students to gain new insights into(洞察) things, treat others with kindness, and understand the meaning and value of life.
      The lack of humanities may well make students become utilitarian(功利主义的) and immoral(不道德的), thereby resulting in severe social problems.
7、采取行动实现就业       When looking for a job or pursuing other goals, young people tend to aim high, but not put their thoughts into action(好高骛远,没有付诸行动).
      What’s worse, they are beginning to adopt a cynical attitude(愤世嫉俗的态度) towards life, complaining about unfairness brought upon them.
      The unwillingness to take effective measures for the dream may lead to permanent failure in one’s personal and even affect the development of a country.
Directions       Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
      1) describe the drawing briefly,
      2) explain its intended meaning,and
      3) give your comments.
      You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
      In the left picture, a young man on a unicycle(独轮车) representing professional education is about to topple over(不稳而倒下). By contrast, the man in the right picture is steadily moving forward on a bicycle, whose two wheels stand for(代表) professional education and humanity education respectively. The two pictures vividly illustrate that receiving the professional education only, one can hardly advance, and that balancing both, one can progress smoothly.
      The essence(本质) of humanity education lies in the cultivation of a human being. It helps students to gain new insights(洞察) into things, treat others with kindness, and understand the meaning and value of life. However, some universities overemphasize professional education while neglecting the humanities(人文社科). Humanity courses are often offered as optional, and students even tend to skip them at will(随意), thinking they are useless for skill improvement and job-hunting. The lack of humanities may well make students become utilitarian(功利主义的) and immoral(不道德的), thereby resulting in severe social problems. The heartbreaking cases that a university student hurt a black bear in a zoo, and another one intentionally hurt his roommates are both bloody tragedies(血淋淋的悲剧).
      Therefore.universities should give due(应有的) attention to humanity education, so as to shape good personalities of students, as well as a harmonious society. Meanwhile, students are also expected to arm themselves with humanity knowledge to get a full-scale(全面的) development. Only then can both the society and individuals develop healthily.
Top 2:社会民风专题 押题统计:新东方、何凯文、陈正康
1、共享单车       The advent of bike-sharing has greatly changed the way people travel. It not only improves people’s travel efficiency, but also lowers the cost (降低成本)of one’s trip to a certain extent.
      Last but least, conception of bike-sharing makes it possible for us to lead a healthy and active lifestyle because it is an environment-friendly (环境友好型)means of transportation.
       It is highly recommended (强烈建议) that the sharing bike providers give a better management to their bike-sharing system. It can be expected that bicycle-sharing system will play a contributing and constructive role in urban public transportation.
2、诚信       What's more, when we have integrity, we gain the trust of others. We're dependable(可靠的), and we become role models for others to follow when we hold ourselves accountable for our actions.
      Every time we do what we think is the right thing even though no one else sees us do it, we have taken a big step toward strengthening(加强) our integrity.
3、信任危机       First and foremost, people will be deprived of(被剥夺) much since they become over-cautions and feel insecure all the time. Besides, a lack of trust is detrimental to personal relationships since “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundation principle that holds all relationships.” Last but not least, people’s loss of trust in the government could intensify social contradictions(加剧社会矛盾).
      Therefore, it is high time that (正是......的时候)we called on all sides to deal with the trust crisis. For one thing, the government should make great efforts to promote a credibility system. For another, the mass media should also play a positive role in restoring mutual trust among people.
4、就医之专家号       People tend to believe that experts are more professional, that prestigious experts can always make faster and better diagnosis and treatment.
      This, in my opinion, not only wastes people’s time, but also takes up the precious medical resources(占用宝贵医疗资源).
5、乱扔垃圾       Litter can contain objects that can cause physical injury(人体伤害) to people namely needles, blades(刀片) or broken glass. Furthermore, it can facilitate(促进) the spread of disease.
      Meanwhile,toxic(有毒的) chemicals and disease-causing microorganisms(微生物) in the trash may also contaminate(污染) water systems and spread water-borne diseases which can negatively affect the health of both animals and humans if unclean or untreated water is consumed.
Directions       Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following pictures. In your essay, you should
      1) describe the pictures briefly,
      2) interpret the intended meaning,and
      3) give your comments.
      You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
      In the picture above, in an unattended bookstore where there is no cashier(收银员) and no staff, a customer is paying for the book he has chosen of his own free will. Such a bookstore is basically based on the customers' integrity. This illustration reveals the importance of integrity in today's society.
      Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is around. There are many reasons why integrity is important in our lives. First, living a life of integrity means that we never have to spend time or energy questioning ourselves. When we listen to our hearts and do the right thing, life becomes simple. Our actions are open to others, and we don't have to worry about hiding anything. What's more, when we have integrity, we gain the trust of others. We're dependable(可靠的), and we become role models for others to follow when we hold ourselves accountable for our actions.
      In our lives, we are going to be tested at one point or another by our integrity and ethics. Every time we do what we think is the right thing even though no one else sees us do it, we have taken a big step toward strengthening(加强) our integrity.
Top 3:网络科技专题 押题统计:何凯文、陈正康
1、纸质书与电子书       In recent years, with the popularity of (随着……的普及)electronic products such as iPad and smart phones, people’s reading habits have changed drastically(巨大的).
      After all(毕竟), compared with paper books, e-books are not only more portable(便携式的、轻便的), but also much cheaper.
      Moreover, a research shows that readers are easily distracted(分心) when they are reading e-books. Readers would find it more difficult to concentrate especially when the device is equipped with(设备被……占用) other apps like game apps.
2、信息安全       Every year, thousands of people lose money due to(因为) telephone scams from a few bucks(美元) to their life’s savings(毕生积蓄). Phone scammers devise(想出,图谋) many different types of detailed phone scams to establish trust or instill (灌输)fear or both.
      Hence, it is important to equip yourself with the tools to identify if the unwanted call you've received is a scam.
3、暴力情节       Children who view media violence are more likely to have more feelings of hostility(敌意) and less remorse(悔恨) for consequences.
      Violent situations are all too common in everyday entertainment and there are far fewer non-violet programming choices. Therefore, parents should monitor(监控、关注) and be more attentive to their children.
4、垃圾邮件       Everyday people are bombarded with(被轰炸) junk emails offering fake pharmaceutical(药品) products, dodgy loans(不良贷款), dubious(可疑的) products or get-rich-quick schemes.
      Once the malware(恶意软件) is installed(安装), the malware programmer or hacker on the other end can use it o spy and extract information about the unsuspecting user.
Directions       Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
      1) describe the drawing briefly,
      2) interpret its intended meaning, and then
      3) give your comments.
      You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
      In the picture above. at the request of his "friend" , a man is transferring money to(转钱)him at ATM while another man is stealing his money, claiming that is another fool to fall in his trap. This picture points out the current phenomenon of telephone scams(电话诈骗).
      Every year, thousands of people lose money due to(因为) telephone scams from a few bucks(美元) to their life’s savings(毕生积蓄). Phone scammers devise(想出,图谋) many different types of detailed phone scams to establish trust or instill (灌输) fear or both. Some scammers seem very friendly- -calling you by your first name and making small talk. Other scammers are making threatening calls(恐吓电话), trying to trick people by using fear to get them to pay money. However, despite their methods, they all share a common goal: to cheat money out of you.
      Phone scams have been spreading for many years, and they're getting worse. In fact, a recent study reveals that scam calls have risen by 13% since 2015, and are showing no signs of slowing down. Hence, it is important to equip yourself with(武装) the tools to identify if the unwanted call you've received is a scam. First, you can ask probing(探索 )questions to check the identity of the caller. Moreover, it is suggested not to give any personal information over the phone even if the caller's action seems legitimate.
      每年,成千上万的人因为电话诈骗而失去金钱——从几块钱到他们的毕生 积蓄。电话诈骗者设计了许多不同类型的详细的电话骗局来建立信任或向其灌输恐惧,或两者兼有。有些骗子似乎很友好——直呼你的名字,和你闲聊。而另一些骗子会打恐吓电话,试图利用恐惧让人们付钱。然而,不论他们采取哪种手段,其目的都是一个,即骗你的钱。
      电话诈骗问题一直都存在,且越来越严重。事实上,最近的一项研究发现, 自2015年以来,诈骗电话数量地加了13% ,同时没有任何减少的连象。因此,我们要识别接到的电话是不是编局。首先,我们可以问一些探索性的问题来核实通话者的身份。此外,建议不要通过电话提供任何个人信息,即使打电话的人的行为看起来合法。
Top 4:环境专题 押题统计:何凯文、陈正康
1、污染       Mobile phone usage in public places like hospitals can easily interfere(打扰) with the medical equipment, which can be harmful to the patient.
      In my opinion, cell phones should be allowed in public places with some restrictions. What's more, in public places, quiet zones where phone use is banned should be set up.
2、城市病       The unprecedented (空前的)expansion of cities undoubtedly leads to the excessive concentration of population, which in turn brings about a series of problems, such as environmental pollution, traffic jam, increased crimes and high housing prices.
      Therefore, the focus of urban authorities(市政部门) should be on consolidation and upgrading of urban infrastructure. Great attention should also be paid to develop a mechanism to monitor the carrying capacity(承受能力) of both resources and environment of cities to achieve urban layout optimization(布局优化).
3、垃圾分类       Worse still, in many places, waste is disposed of(被处理) by burning, and burning the recyclable waste(可回收垃圾) like plastics will give off toxic(有毒的) smoke which pollutes the air.
Directions       Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
      1) describe the drawing briefly,
      2) interpret its intended meaning, and
      3) give your comments.
      You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
      In the picture, three garbage containers are classified as kitchen garbage container, recyclable garbage container and other garbage container. However, they are stuffed with(被充斥着) the same kinds of garbage. It seems that their function of sorting garbage has failed.
      The picture demonstrates that many people haven’t formed the habit of sorting waste now in China, even though sorted garbage containers are available in every neighborhood in the city. Without thinking whether the garbage is recyclable or not, many people just throw their domestic garbage — kitchen refuse(厨房垃圾), plastics, paper, china and glass, etc. — all into one public container.
      This,I think, will reduce the value of stuff that can be recycled or reused, such as plastics and paper. Worse still, in many places, waste is disposed of(被处理) by burning, and burning the recyclable waste(可回收垃圾) like plastics will give off toxic(有毒的) smoke which pollutes the air. In this sense, throwing the trash unsorted into the same garbage container should not be advocated, no matter whether it is from the perspective of economic or environmental protection. People should form the habit of garbage sorting.

      这幅画显示出,现如今的很多中国人都还没有养成垃圾分类的习惯,尽管城市里每个居民区 都有分类垃圾桶。很多人想都不想垃圾是否可回收,就一股脑地把家里产生的垃圾——厨房垃圾、塑料、废纸、瓷器和玻璃等——全都仍进一个公共垃圾桶里。
Top 5:人生哲理专题 押题统计:张剑、陈正康
1、大城市还是小城市       In metropolises(大都市), although we could be burdened by a more stressful life, we are presented with a huge potential by cities that have the relatively(相对的) inclusive(包容的) environment and abundant resources.
      In summary, facing such a dilemma(进退两难), we must make trade-offs(权衡) and accept what we choose, No matter where we are, we will eventually make significant accomplishments as long as we’re willing to buckle down(埋头苦干) and approach(处理) our work with tremendous efforts.
2、波折困难       They exert every effort(竭尽全力) to arrange everything for their children, depriving(剥夺) them of the opportunities to undergo frustration and ordeals(经历坎坷与磨难) and learn from them so that their grownup children cannot deal with the stress from the competitive world and even become the so-called “NEETs”(啃老族), or parent-dependents.
      For them, the home is their comfort zone(舒适区), and the longer they stay here, the less likely they would be able to deal with life’s storms.
Directions       Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
      1) describe the drawing briefly,
      2) explain its intended meaning, and
      3) give your comments.
      You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)
      As is shown in the picture, a sailor is steering a ship in a calm sea, which definitely would not rouse his faculties and fortitude. That is why the caption reads “A smooth sea never makes a skilled sailor.” This drawing, in a straightforward way, warns us to be alert to our comfort zones and teaches us that adversity leads to competence.
      There is no denying the fact that it is rough times that make us grow faster. Unfortunately, many parents, particularly those in China, do not seem to realize this. They exert every effort (竭尽全力)to arrange everything for their children, depriving them of the opportunities to undergo frustration and ordeals(经历挫折和磨难) and learn from them so that their grownup children cannot deal with the stress from the competitive world and even become the so-called “NEETs”,or parent-dependents. In addition, in today’s society there are lots of shut-ins, i.e.teenagers or young adults who shut themselves indoors all the time. For them, the home is their comfort zone, and the longer they stay there, the less likely they would be able to deal with life’s storms.
      Just as a saying goes, greenhouse flowers cannot survive the unpleasant weather outdoors. We should not be content with(满足于) a life of ease. Instead we should be brave enough to take on new challenges to bring out the best in us.
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