


Top 1 社科文化专题 押题统计:张剑、朱伟、新东方、陈正康
1、“肥胖人口”问题       Several factors, to my way of thinking, can be easily found to account for(解释) the phenomenon among which I would like to name three most significant ones as follows. (以下)
      At the first place(首先), obesity(肥胖) is closely related to sugar intake(摄糖量). Sugar can add calories to everything you eat.
      Second, fast food restaurants are scattered all over the country. As we all know, fast food is high in calories(热量) and fat.
      Third, computers and games have bad effect on obesity, but their effect is less pronounced.
      It's a good idea to limit your computer, games and TV time to less than two hours a day.
      To conclude, such a trend will probably develop more dramatically in the future.
2、食品安全问题       There is no denying that food safety is related to people's health and basic livelihood. (毫无疑问食品安全和人们的健康和基本生活息息相关)
      However, many producers tend to adopt poor-quality raw materials(质量低劣的原材料) to lower costs, resulting in poor-quality products prevailing in our society, which not only poses threats to people's health(给人们的健康带来威胁), but also wreaks havoc on the economic development and social stability. (阻碍了经济发展和社会稳定)
      Particularly,when the authorities concerned fail to give direct control and supervision(监控), these profit-driven companies are unlikely to shoulder social responsibility.
3、大学生就业难问题       The job market for college graduates is getting tighter. (大学毕业生的就业市场越来越激烈。)
      To begin with, with the social competition(社会竞争力) becoming keener, college graduates should be well-equipped with practical experience(实践经验) which suits the demand of society.
      Otherwise, they will find no place for themselves. Unfortunately, the majority of them lack adequate practical ability and operational skills.(操作技能)
      What is more, another reason is connected with their attitude towards employment.(就业态度) A large number of graduates put earnings above anything else. They aim at the well-paid positions in foreign corporations(外企高薪) or big banks and set a high standard for their monthly salary.
      Since they won't accept any other low-paid jobs, many employment opportunities have been lost.
4、人口老龄化问题       What is clearly displayed in the table is the trend of the population ageing in China.
      China is and will continue to be an aging society(老龄社会), which will require the government to spend more on age - related programs, such as health care.
      After what we have discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that effective measures must be taken to relieve the burden brought by the aging population.
Directions       Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should
      1)interpret the table, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      What is clearly displayed in the table is the trend of the population ageing in China. In 2010, the population aged 60 and over was 178 million,' accounting for 13. 26% of the entire population. In2014, it increased to 212 million(15. 5%). In 2030, it will reach 371 million (25. 3%). In 2050, it is expected to be 440 million (34%), which means that one out of every three is older than 60.
      From the table we can conclude that China is and will continue to be an aging society, which will require the government to spend more on age - related programs, such as health care(医疗). It will also impose great burden to millions of families, as many young couples are the only child of their families and will have to provide for four seniors.
      After what we have discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that effective measures must be taken to relieve the burden brought by the aging population. First and foremost(第一),the government and the mass media should encourage more enterprises to provide age related services.Furthermore, the government should rethink and adjust its family planning policy to reverse the aging trend. Only through the joint efforts of the whole society, (通过全社会的共同没努力)can we resolve the problem of population ageing perfectly.

      表格清楚地显示了中国人口的老龄化趋势。2010 年,老龄人口为1.78亿,占总人口的13. 26%。2014年,老龄人口增长至2.12亿(占总人口的15. 5%)。2030 年,老龄人口将达到3.71亿(占总人口的25. 3%)。2050 年,老龄人口预计将达到4.4亿(占总人口的34%),这意味着每三个人当中将会有一位老年人。
TOP 2 经济专题 押题统计:陈正康、张剑、新东方、朱伟
1、春节期间的旅游       As is graphically illustrated(阐明,举例说明) in the bar chart, the number of tourists traveling during the Spring Festival in China increased ...
      At the very beginning, there is no denying that the ever-accelerating pace of our life(生活节奏加快) and the improvement of our living standards (生活质量的提高)have come to characterize our living habit, which in turn contributed to the marked change of traveling during the Spring Festival.
      What's more, that numerous individuals have been blessed with(享有...的) both physical and mental benefits from traveling also conduced to the trend. Still, the governmental incentives serve as a momentous driving force(驱动力) of it.
2、中美学生收入来源       There are probably two reasons contributing to(促成) the differences.
      First, in China, students without sustainable income(没有可持续收入) are still considered dependent on parents. Therefore, it is natural for them to ask their parents for money. By contrast,(相比之下) American students over 18 years have developed more senses of financial independence.(经济独立意识)
      Second, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easier for American students to find part-time jobs(兼职). Therefore, a larger proportion of income comes from part-time jobs in America.
3、新能源汽车销量增长的原因       The rapid growth of the sales of the new energy vehicles can be attributed to several factors.
      First of all, in big cities like Beijing, according to the vehicle restriction rule(车辆限行规则), private cars in urban areas must be off the road one workday a week while new energy vehicles are allowed to be on the road throughout the week., Moreover, purchase tax exemption(免征车辆购置税) has boosted new energy vehicle sales,especially in the year 2015. Last but not least, the improvement of new energy vehicles has attracted more and more customers.
Directions       Write an essay based on the following table. In your writing, you should
      1) interpret the table, and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      The table shows that the income sources of Chine students are quite different from (与...不同)those of American students In China,85% of students' money is from their parents while in America only 40% of students money is provided by their parents. Chinese students earn only 5% from part-time jobs and 5% from student loan(学生贷款). However, American students get 20% and 25% of their money from these two sources respectively. In addition, fellowship or scholarship takes up 15% of American students' income while income from this source for Chinese students occupies only 5%.
      There are probably two reasons contributing to (促成)the differences. First, in China, students without sustainable income (没有可持续收入)are still considered dependent on (依赖)parents. Therefore, it is natural for them to ask their parents for money. By contrast,(相比之下) American students over 18 years have developed more senses of financial independence.(独立的经济意识) Second, since America is more developed than China, it is relatively easier for American students to find part-time jobs. Therefore, a larger proportion of income comes from part-time jobs(兼职) in America.
      I believe in future, more Chinese students will realize the necessity of self-dependence and try to make their own living through part-time jobs and other ways.

      如图所示,关于大学生心理问题方面,显著的变化已然发生。根据图表所提供的数据我们可以看到,有心理问题的大学生比例这些年在快速上升。2006 年,面临这种问题的大学生比例是20.23%,然而不到7年的时间,比例上升到33.47%。
Top 3 教育专题 押题统计:张剑、朱伟
1、考研报考人数       Three reasons for the increase of the number of candidates for postgraduate entrance examination.
      At the first place, the severe employment situation (严峻的就业形势) forces college students to improve their competitiveness(提高竞争力) by improving their academic qualifications.(提升学历)
      Second,with the continuous development of economy and education in our country, more and more students have the opportunity to receive higher education(接受高等教育), some of whom may have school complex.
      Third, with the policy adjustments, on-the-job graduate students(在职研究生) are included in the unified examination, and the number of former graduates taking the postgraduate examination is increasing.
2、在线教育的发展       At the very beginning, with various forms of teaching, online education is not subject to time and geographical constraints(不受时间、地点的限制), which makes learning more efficient and convenient.
      What's more, online learning helps students communicate and collaborate with each other and share ideas with others in a timely manner, thus to broaden their horizons (开阔视野)and increase their knowledge.(增长知识)
      Last but not the least, due to the repeat-ability of online teaching(在线教育的可重复性),learners, according to their own learning needs, can listen to the class over and over again to master what he has learned better and fully consolidate the learning achievements.(巩固学习成果)
Directions       Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
      1)interpret the chart, and
      2)give your comments.
      You should write at least 150 words.
      Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      As is graphically illustrated in the bar chart, the number of candidates for the postgraduate entrance examination has increased from 1.65 million to 2.9 million during the five years from 2015 to 2019.
      Several factors, to my way of thinking,can be easily found to account for the tendency among which I would like to name three most significant ones as follows. At the first place, the severe employment situation (严峻的就业形势)forces college students to improve their competitiveness(提高竞争力) by improving their academic qualifications. (提升学历)Second,with the continuous development of economy and education in our country, more and more students have the opportunity to receive higher education,(接受高等教育) some of whom may have school complex.Third, with the policy adjustments, on-the-job graduate students(在职研究生)are included in the unified examination, and the number of former graduates taking the postgraduate examination is increasing.
      In a word, several factors lead to this tendency. It is an important way for college students to improve themselves, but we cannot take postgraduate entrance examination as an absolute way to alleviate the employment pressure. The most important thing is to improve our own knowledge, and increase social practical experience.

      我认为,可以容易的找到很多原因来解释这一趋势,其中,我想选取最重要的三点,如下所示。首先,严峻的就业形势迫使大学生通过提高学历来提高竞争力。第二, 随着我国经济和教育的不断发展,越来越多的学生有机会接受高等教育,其中一些人可能有学校情结。第三,随着政策的调整,在职研究生纳人统一考试, 参加研究生考试的往届毕业生人数不断增加。
TOP 4 网络科技专题 押题统计:新东方、朱伟
1、农村“网民”规模变化       China's rural netizen are also progressing with the development of the times.(中国农村网民也在随着时代的发展而发展。)
      At the first place,as we enter the Internet age(网络时代), the popularity of the Internet (网络的普及)has become an inevitable trend(不可避免的趋势), even in rural areas.
      What's more, with the rapid economic development(经济的迅速发展) of our country, people's living standards(人民生活水平)have dramatically increased in recent years, thus they have greater access to(有更多的机会)various digital devices.
      Last but not the least,(最后但同样重要的一点) with the improvement of living standards and all kinds of convenience brought about by technology, people have more spare time.
2、各年龄段网民比例       The proportions of different age groups of Internet users vary significantly in China.
      To my best knowledge, a variety of factors are responsible for this phenomenon,(与这一现象有关)as listed below. To begin with, younger people are generally better educated than older generations. The former are more computer literate(熟练电脑操作), while older people may find it more difficult to learn how to use computer and Internet.
      Moreover, for younger people ,Internet is a major tool for academic studies,(学业) communication, work and life. Online shopping,(网购) for instance, has become a part of many young people's life. Older people, on the other hand, may not be familiar with or even have doubts about these uses of Internet.
Directions       Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should
      1) describe the chart,and
      2) give your comments
      You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

      As is graphically illustrated in the bar chart, the scale of rural Internet users gradually increased from 177 million to 221million during the 6 years from 2013 to 2018.
      Several factors, to my way of thinking, can be easily found to account for the phenomenon among which I would like to name three most significant ones as follows. At the first place,as we enter the Internet age(网络时代), the popularity of the Internet (网络的普及)has become an inevitable trend(不可避免的趋势), even in rural areas. What's more, with the rapid economic development(经济的迅速发展) of our country, people's living standards(人民生活水平)have dramatically increased in recent years, thus they have greater access to(有更多的机会) various digital devices. Last but not the least, with the improvement of living standards and all kinds of convenience brought about by technology, people have more spare time.
      To put it in a nutshell,(总而言之) the above-mentioned content can naturally lead us to the conclusion that China's rural netizen are also progressing with the development of the times.(中国农村网民也在随着时代的发展而发展。)

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