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In the above picture, two roads diverge in front of us, who may stay there long, not knowing which one to take①. To turn left or to turn right, that is a hard decision②. Each road in its due direction may lead us to a different destination. This coincides with the life journey of human being, which is also full of hard and painful choices.
The underlying meaning of the drawing can be illustrated as follows. On the one hand, for a real road, if stepping on the wrong way, one can return to the original point, but life is a one-way journey: one cannot start it all over again. Different choices in life may make great differences. For example, one can get on different buses, meet different people and thus live a completely different life. On the other hand, to some extent, future is a combination of choices and efforts. Some people even believe that one's success depends more on how intelligently he chooses than on how diligently he works③. With a wrong direction, the farther we go, the farther we are away from our dream.
Therefore, positive mental guidance must be popularized among the public, especially the young, to help them to keep a clear mind and make wise choices in the life journey. Besides, every youngster should be educated to realize his position and the reality and choose his life goal in a down-to-earth manner. Only with right direction and destination can all the efforts made towards it pay off.
①  Two roads diverge(分离) in front of us, who may stay there long, not knowing which one to take. 这个句子及其简短,用词简单,但是却做到了言简意赅。给读者描述出了身临其境的感觉。
②  To turn left or to turn right, that is a hard decision. 非常明显,这句话模仿了莎士比亚作品中的名言的句式: “To be, or not to be, that is the question”。
③  Some people even believe that one's success depends more on how intelligently he chooses than on how diligently he works:这句话又是全文的一个句型亮点:
首先:depend more on A than on B:更多的取决于A,而不是B——这是真题中反复出现过的举行。
其次:“how intelligently he chooses”与“how diligently he works”句型结构完全平行,工整优美。
例如chances and challenges (机遇与挑战,押头韵和尾韵。可以仿照《乐观、豁达》一文中的句子“where there is shadow, there is sunshine”,写成:“where there is a challenge, there is a chance.” 意思为,有挑战的地方就有机遇);
再如:accepted and respected (头韵/尾韵,被接受和尊重,写建议措施的万能押韵词!)
再如:appreciated, and advocated (头韵/尾韵,被欣赏和提倡,写建议措施时万能押韵词!)
再如:effectively and efficiently (头韵/尾韵,建议措施的万能词。)






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