考研帮 > 英语学习 > 英语口语


  1.Flowers Part 1 Do you think flowers are important to our life?

  Do Chinese people like growing flowers?Do you like growing flowers?Are there any special meanings of different kinds of flower?On what occasions do people give each other flowers in your country?

  Part 2 Describe your favorite flower

  Part One


  Do you have any lucky number? Why?

  Do numbers have special meanings in your country?

  Which numbers are important for you to remember?

  How do you memorize numbers?


  Have you ever been to a live concert?

  When was the last time you listened to / went to a concert?

  Would you like to go to a concert in the future?

  Do you prefer to watch a concert on TV or to attend a concert?

  Which would you prefer, to attend a concert of your favorite artist or to buy his or her CD?

  Part Two

  1.Describe a child you know

  You should say:

  Who is this child

  What does he/she look like

  What personality does he/she have

  And explain why you like this child

  2.Describe a happy event (childhood , school days)

  Describe a happy event from your childhood that you remember well

  You should say:

  what the event was

  when and where it happened

  who participated in this event

  and explain why you remember this event so well.






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