考研帮 > 英语 > 复习经验


  Part B
  解析:从给出的开头段落G,可以看出这是一篇介绍Louis Menand的书The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University和他的观点的文章,紧接着下面就应该讲他书中阐释的问题和他的观点,B选项中开头一句提到his concern,暗示提出问题,指出美国大学存在的主要问题。从结构上来看,B选项内容能够合理地与G选项衔接,故41题正确答案为B选项。
  解析:文章的主题是关于“humanities”。上一段提出大学人文学科正走向没落,所以下面就紧接着应该解释出现这种现象的原因,42项答案即D或者E,但因为E在后一项给出,且有连接词Besides可知,42为D。此外,D选项中首句出现的separate一词,与E选项中this separation正好构成关联,故42题应选D选项。
  解析:A选项指出,没有哪门专业化学科像人文学科这样,需要倾注如此多的热情,之后提到获得人文学科的博士学位,需要9年的时间,这一信息可对应E选项中的the acquisition of a doctoral,从结构和内容构成了合理的衔接,所以43题应选择A。
  解析:依据43题的选项A,说人文学科获得博士学位的时间长,需要倾注很大的热情,所以高达一半的英语博士生在获得学位之前辍学就毫不奇怪了。从剩下的选项中,首先排除F,因为F的“conclude”可知F项应为全文的总结。从C的“Equally unsurprisingly,only about half end up with the jobs they entered graduate school to get: tenured professorships.”可知,C是紧接着A,所以44题选C。

  Part C Translation
  46.Allen’s contribution was to take an assumption we all share---that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts---and reveal its erroneous nature.
  【考查分析】本题考点:同位语从句, 定语从句
  【答案解析】本句的主干是Allen’s contribution was to take an assumption and reveal its erroneous nature。破折号后面的that引导同位语从句,对前面的assumption解释说明。We all share是定语从句,修饰assumption。
  47.While we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”
  【答案解析】本句结构特别清晰,主干是While we may be able to sustain …. ,we are faced with a question…。while引导让步状语从句,后面“Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”是question 的具体内容。本句采用顺译法。
  48.This seems a justification for neglect of those in need, and a rationalization of exploitation, of the superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom.
  【考查分析】本题考点: 省略、介词短语、复杂表语
  【答案解析】本句的主体结构为:This seems a justification and a rationalization。 本句的难点在于运用很多介词短语作后置定语,介词短语套介词短语,使得宾语非常复杂。“for neglect of those in need”修饰“justification”、“of exploration”、“of the superiority”“of the inferiority” 修饰rationalization。而“of those at the top”和“of those at the bottom”又分别修饰superiority和inferiority。
  49.circumstances seem to be designed to bring out the best in us, and if we feel that we have been “wronged” then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort to escape from our situation.
  【答案解析】本句主体结构是:circumstances seem to be designed to…., and if we feel that… then we are unlikely to… “环境好像是为…,而设计,如果我们感受到…,我们就不可能…”; “bring out” 是产生、使…显示出来;“wronged” 是“被冤枉,被委屈”的意思,“be (un)likely to do” (不) 可能做某事;
  50.The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us; where before we were experts in the array of limitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.
  【答案解析】本句主体结构为The upside is the possibilities,译为“正面意义在于可能性”。Contained in knowing that everything is up to us,是过去分词结构作后置定语。分号后面是一个有连词where引导的状语从句。Where 在这里是“在某种情况下(in what situation, to what point)的意思。






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