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江苏海洋大学近岸海域生态与环境实验室冯志华老师课题组招收海洋科学、渔业专业调剂生,要求本科专业为生物、化学或海洋相关。联系方式:QQ898644349 张老师。
1. Feng Z H*, Zhang T, Shi H H, Gao K S, Xu J T, Wang J X, Wang R, Li X D, Gao G, 2020a. Microplastics in bloom-forming macroalgae: Distribution, characteristics and impacts. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 397, 122752.
2. Feng Z H*, Zhang T, Wang J X, Huang H, Wang R, Xu J T, Fu G H, Gao G, 2020b. Spatio-temporal features of microplastics pollution in macroalgae growing in an important mariculture area, China. Science of the Total Envirornment. 719, 137490.
3. Li Q P, Feng Z H, Zhang T, Ma C Z, Shi H H*, 2020. Microplastics in the commercial seaweed nori. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 388, 122060.
4. Feng Z H*, Zhang T, Li Y, He X R, Wang R, Xu J T, Gao G, 2019. The accumulation of microplastics in fish from an important fish farm and mariculture area, Haizhou Bay, China. Science of the Total Envirornment. 696, 133948.
5. Feng Z H*, Wang R, Zhang T, Wang J X, Huang W, Li J, Xu J T, Gao G, 2020c. Microplastics in specific tissues of wild sea urchins along the coastal areas of northern China. Science of the Total Envirornment. 728, 138660.
6. Zhang T, Sun Y X, Song K X, Du W G, Huang W, Gu Z Q, Feng Z H*, 2021. Microplastics in different tissues of wild crabs at three important fishing grounds in China. Chemosphere. 271, 129479.
7. 张涛,刘凯,孙一鑫,王孝天,方涛,吴亚平,冯志华*, 2021. 微塑料对双齿围沙蚕生理代谢的影响研究. 生态毒理学报.
8. 王嘉旋, 宋可心, 孙一鑫, 方涛, 李瑾祯, 张涛, 冯志华*, 2021. 海州湾潮间带沙蚕对沉积物微塑料的指示作用. 环境科学.
9. Zhang T, Feng Z H*, Sun Y X, Li J Z, Xu J T, Wang X C, 2020. Fluorescence characterization and microbial degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from salt marsh plants in the Yellow River Delta. Journal of Plant Ecology. 13: 525-537.




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