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  Text 3

  31、【答案】[A]more emotional
  【解析】细节题。题干中的office language对应文章中的lingua franca of corporate(公司通用语),题干中的has become对应文章中的has gotten,所以答案对应文章中的more emotional and much more right-brained。所以答案A more emotional。本题的易错答案是 more objective。文章中的objectives是名词"目标,话题"的意思。
  32、【答案】[C] sports culture
  【解析】细节题。本题的答案可以从第二段的第二句到第四句中得出。这几句话都是在举例子,作为论据出现来论证第一句话。第二句话中出现了sports,第三句话中出现了coach和team,第四句话中出现了coach和team,win,所有的这些词都与运动相关,所以答案选C sports culture。
  33、【答案】[D] strengthen employee loyalty
  【解析】细节题。本题题干中还出现了believe这一观点动词,根据题干中的importation of terminology可以定位到第三段的第二句话,但是这句话属于论据,其论点是第一句话。本句中出现are intended to表示目的,对应题干中的aims to,句子出现了increase allegiance to the firm,对应D strengthen employee loyalty,表示"加强员工的忠诚度"。
  34、【答案】[A] voices for working women
  【解析】推理题。根据题干中的Lean In可以定位到第四段的第二句话。这句话中出现了1990s和"mommy wars"也是明显的论据,所以推理的核心论点是前面的第一句话。第一句话中出现了work-life balance,第二句话中出现了mommy wars,结合二者可以推理出这句话谈论的是工作中对于女性的不公平。所以答案选voices for working women(为职业女性申辩)。
  35、【答案】[D] regular people mock it but accept it
  【解析】细节题。根据题干的关键词可以定位到最后一段的第一句话。要注意这句话的结构。本句是一个转折句,尽管大家取笑office speak,但是…。转折之后表示的是人们对它的认可,A Managers …avoid it态度与文章不符。B中的linguists 在文章中没有提到。C中的Companies find it to fundamental,属于推理过度,文章说的是depend on,依靠并不说明fundamental根本的。
  Text 4
  36、【答案】[B] the increase of part-time jobs
  【解析】本题为细节题。根据关键词"job pictures, neglected"可以回文定位到第二段第一句话"the jobs picture ...was largely overlooked",其中neglected是overlooked的同义替换。并且此句有明显的命题点"however"。第二句具体指出被忽略的部分是"there was a big jump in the number of people who report voluntarily working part-time.",即有大量的人自愿从事兼职工作。故正确答案为B。其中increase是原文jump的同义替换,voluntary part-time jobs是voluntarily working part-time的同义转述。
  37、【答案】[C] cannot get their hands on full-time jobs
  【解析】根据题干中的关键词"many people work part-time"可以定位到第二段第五句话"many people who work part-time jobs actually want full-time jobs"。由此句可知,那些从事兼职工作的人实际想拥有全日制工作。接着第六句明确指出他们从事兼职工作的原因:they take part-time because this is all they can get。言外之意是说,人们目前只能得到兼职工作,而无法获得全职工作。故正确答案为C。
  38、【答案】[B] shows a general tendency of decline
  【解析】通过题干中的involuntary part-time employment可以将该题定位在文章第二段。该段倒数第二句表明"这种非自愿参加兼职工作在六月份是呈现增长的,但是总趋势是下降的"。故B选项(呈现出一种普遍下降的趋势)正确。
  39、【答案】[B] employment is no longer a precondition to get insurance
  【解析】通过题干中with Obamacare可以将该题定位在全文最后一句。该句表明,就业和保险之间不再有关联。而从上一句可以看出,之前很多人想要找一份提供保险的全职工作来养活自己和家人。可见,之前,就业就意味着能得到保险。而它们之间的关系不复存在,即雇佣不再是得到保险的前提条件。可见,B选项正确。
  40、【答案】[A] employment in the US
  Part B
  41、【答案】[D] Most of your fears are unreal
  【解析】本段中出现了多次词义复现,如Fear is not real以及fears are just the product of our luxuriant imagination(恐惧只是丰富想象的产物)。Unfortunately转折后作者通过引用Will Smith的话以及自己的总结强调揭示了段落主题。
  42、【答案】[E] Think about the present moment
  【解析】该题所在段落平铺直叙,因此第一句话为段落中心句,其中关键信息是focus on the present moment,与选项E主题词复现。下文中又多次复现了主题词,如value the present moment,moment以及present。
  43、【答案】[G] There are many things to be grateful for
  44、【答案】[A] You are not alone
  【解析】段落首句出现了表达强烈语气的情态动词should,因此主题句为首句,关键信息为you are not alone,与A选项匹配。
  45、【答案】[C] Pave your own unique path
  【解析】该段落主题句为"When you…you should believe in yourself and be sure that your decision is the best."作者正面提出了自己的观点"相信自己以及自己的决定是最佳的"。下文进一步阐释,其中own thoughts, own values 以及own choices构成了标题中的own unique path。
  Section III  Translation
  Section IV  Writing
  June 8, 2014
  Since our university is going to organize a camp for high school students during this summer vocation, the Postgraduate Association is now recruiting volunteers to make the camp a complete success.
  As a cultural exchange program, this camp starting from July 17 to August 17 aims to promote the understanding of American culture among high school students. Students will visit a high school in Texas and exchange ideas with students there. After that, they will have a tour to major American universities and famous tourist spots. Those who would like to volunteer for this activity must possess fluent communication skills in English. All the transportation and accommodation expenses are covered.
  Anyone who is interested in international communication is encouraged to apply. The applicants may download the application form from the university website and send the form to 1234567@hotmail.com.
  Postgraduates' Association
  Emerging from the pie char given above is the proportions of residents' different consumptions during Spring Festival in a Chinese city. To be specific, the percentage of consumption taken by New Year's present accounts for 40%, ranking first. Meanwhile, that of gatherings and traffic ranks second, making up 20% respectively.
  The bar chart reveals the fact that money spent on New Year's present occupies the largest percentage of the consumption. What exactly contributes to this phenomenon? Reasons can be listed as follows: To begin with, it is universally acknowledged that China is renowned for valuing politeness and ceremonies ever since ancient times. Therefore sending New Year's present mutually is a symbol of inheriting Chinese civilization and virtue, especially during the traditional festivals. In addition, with the improvement of financial status and corresponding purchasing power, people in mounting numbers can afford the once-deemed-expensive gifts to convey their warmest wishes and sincerest greetings.
  By observing the different proportion of the pie chart, we may forecast that this situation will continue in the near future, which is beneficial to promote interpersonal communication and the social harmony as well and should be further encouraged.

  考研交流: 2015年考研初试交流 






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