考研帮 > 英语 > 考研真题解析


2010 年考研的英语试题在新题型部分,出现了比较不常见的排序题,这完全在我们的预料之中。名师墨东博老师在全国各地的冲刺班上反复强调,今年肯定会考排序题,并将这一题型进行重点讲解。今年的排序题在题型上和传统的排序题还有所差别。题目要求中明确指出,需要从 A 到 G 的 7 个段落中选取最合适的段落组成一篇连贯的文章,其中 E 段(倒数第二段,非首段)的位置已经给出,有一个段落是干扰项。


1、 通读文章首段,了解主旨大意;


2、 通读各个段落,了解段落大意(或段落讲解的核心概念),更重要的是要标出各段首尾句的关联特征及段中明显的标志词,如代词、表示转承关系的逻辑词、同根同义词等。如:

A 段: the first and more important … meanwhile…

consumer’s growing preference for eating out; consumption of food

and drink has risen 与 recession, people getting anxious, eating at

home 前后有对比对立的关系。

B 段: retail sales of food and drink are at a standstill

But almost all have ignored the big, profitable opportunity in their

won backyard: the whole food and drink trade,…( 该句中既含有转折连

词 but ,又含有特殊标点符号冒号,标志明显,是需要重点关注的句子 )

先提出问题, but 后面提到了可能的解决办法,这像不像我们阅读文章的第


C 段:最明显的标志有: such variation ,如果该段入选,前面一定提到了 variation 。



D 段:这一段很难读懂,但首末句却并不难读,且标志明显。

首句: All in all, this clearly seems to be a market … 含有 all in all( 我

们反复强调, finally, all in all 不一定在全文的最后,可能是中间某几

段含义的总结,只能说总体靠后 ) 和指示代词 this 。

末句: New skills and unfamiliar business models are needed too.

E 段:关注首末句和中间带冒号的句子

首句主干: Despite variations in detail, wholesale markets are made out of the

same building blocks.

中间句主干: Demand comes mainly from two sources: independent

mom-and-pop grocery stores and food service operators

末句: Overall, Europe’s wholesale market for food and drink is growing at the

same sluggish pace as the retail market, but the figures mask two

opposing trends. 注意到“ two opposing trends ”了吗?

F 段:首句: for example, wholesale food and drink sales come to $ 268 billion, more

than 40 percent of retail sales

后面的内容 moreover, higher, wholesale demand is growing, feasible 等都在讲

wholesale food and drink 的销量及需求之大。

G 段:重点: however ——转承关系

these requirements ——指代及与前文词义的承接

3. 把明显可以连接在一起的段落放在一起,如:

根据 G 段的 these requirements 可以很容易找到 D 段的末句 New skills and

unfamiliar business models are needed too. ,故 G 段应该排在 D 段之后,即顺

序为: DG

根据 B 段的末句中谈到的“大的有利可图的机会” the wholesale food and drink

trade ,很容易将 F 段排在其后,因为 F 段整个在讲 wholesale food and drink 的销量

及需求之大。即顺序为: BF 。并且 B 项 先提出问题, but 后面提到了可能的解决办


根据已知段落 E 中的重点信息 variations, two opposing trends 等,可以推知其后的段

落为 A 或 C 项,对比一下两个选项, A 项与 E 项末尾的 two opposing trends 衔接紧

密,且内容一致,故顺序为: EA , C 项为干扰项。

4. 将排出的几个部分连接在一起,得出最终答案。

现在已经排出三个顺序,将文章分为三部分: DG 段、 BF 段(考前)、 EA 段(靠后),

基本可以确定最后顺序: BFDGEA ,检查发现, F 段和 D 段紧密衔接, D 段中的 this

指代 the wholesale food and drink trade 。







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